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I laid in my bed wide awake. Everyone in the room was already asleep since it was probably around 1:30 am. I'm not sure why I couldn't sleep, maybe I was nervous about the show. I sat up from my bed and swung my legs over the side. My feet touched the floor and I got up, walking to the bathroom.

I opened the door to the bathroom and walked in, a small light being the only source of light I needed. I splashed some cold water on my face and looked in the mirror. 'Why did Legoshi have feelings for me? I mean it's only been a couple months since I got here.'

I heard a quiet ringing coming from the beds so I left the bathroom to check. The ringing was coming from my part of the dresser. 'Must be dad calling.'

I walked over and picked up my phone, a picture of me and my dad on the screen saying 'Dad ❤️ is calling'. I answered the call.

"Hey," I whispered. "Hold on, let me go outside, then we can talk."

"Ok, I'm not in a hurry," my dad replied.

I slipped on a pair of shoes and quietly left the room. I silently made my way down to the first level was, going to the doors that lead outside. As soon as I was out, I looked around to make sure no one was around.

"Ok, what's up?" I asked.

"Just calling to give you a report of what we are going to do and to check in on you," my dad said. "You are aware of Shishigumi and what they have been doing recently, correct?" He said, his voice getting serious.

"Yes," I said. Chi Ōkami and Shishihumi have been apart of a quiet war for many years. Shishigumi wanted to take part of Chi Ōkami's territory so they can farm herbivores for food but my great grandfather, one of the previous leaders of Chi Ōkami, refused. Ever since then Shishigumi has been at our throats trying to take our territory.

"Our patrol saw 2 members of Shishigumi on the border of our territory on the west side. We have reason to believe that they are trying to sneak into our territory to attack. Because of this, all three of you must come home. Word spread quickly throughout the mafias that you, Asahi, and Hinata are attending school. I don't want Shishigumi to use that as a opportunity to try and kill you."

"I understand. But when are we coming? And have you told the headmaster?"

"Yes, I told the headmaster that there was some family problems that needed to be sorted out and all three of you must come home temporarily. And as for when you are coming home, we suspect that they are going to attack today," my dad said.

"So, we are coming today?"


"Wait, but there is a show tonight for the drama club and I need to be there!" I said.

"I'm sorry but you need to come home for your safety. You can always go back after the battle," my dad apologized.

"But you aren't even sure if they are going to attack!" I argued.

"(Y/N), would you rather stay there for some drama performance and risk getting killed or come home and protect our clan?!" My dad yelled through the phone. "This is not what your mother would of done. She wouldn't be arguing to stay at a school instead of fighting with everyone here!"

I got quiet. He had a point, I would be risking me, Hinata, Asahi, and possibly other students lives.

"I'm sending Lee to pick you guys up. You don't need to bring anything except your phones. There's weapons here ready to be used," father said.

"Ok," I quietly replied.

"Now, on to other matters. How is school going along?" Father said, the seriousness in his voice vanishing.

A Wolf's Howl (Legoshi X Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα