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"Thanks, Lee!" I smiled as I climbed out of the car.

"Yeah whatever just get out of my car," Lee grumbled. What crawled up his butt and died? He's more grumpy than normal, I wonder what's wrong?

The moment that me and the twins stepped out of the car, Lee sped off.

"What's up with him?" One of the twins asked. I just shrugged.

"(Y/N)!" A voice screeched from in front of us. My head and both of the twins heads snapped to where the yell came from and before I knew it a cat tackled me to the ground. "Ahh I missed you! It was boring at the dorm without you- damn you looking so hot!"

"Hey Haruhi, and thank you?" I laugh. I was wearing some ripped jeans (or leggings) paired with a tied up oversized shirt. I had a pair of black combat boots on as well. (Optional) I put some fake piercings on my ear as well to make myself look even more like a badass, which I don't think is working.

"I'm so glad your back! Then you can help with the play tomorrow!" Haruhi smiled at me. Suddenly her small body was lifted off of me.

Asahi was able to pick her up with no effort, yet she was able to knock me down, weird. "Let her stand up, she's gonna get dirty on the ground."

I stood up and dusted my butt and tail off. "It's ok Asahi, she was just excited."

"Who is she anyways?" He growled, looking right at her.

"The name is Haruhi, one of (Y/N)'s dorm mates, now put me down!" Haruhi scratched at him.

"Oh shut up, Kitty, it's weird having someone I don't know attack (Y/N) like that," Asahi sighed.

"Kitty? Attack?! I'll show you what an attack is!" Haruhi said getting more angry. Asahi and the angry cat kept bickering for a while so me and Hinata just walked away.

(Just a quick note, this is happening after the play)
(Legoshi's POV)
"Legoshi!" Jack said as soon as I walked into our dorm room. "(Y/N) came back."

"What? How do you know?" I asked. Surely she would of told me right?

"I heard from one of the girls that she's back. Could just be a rumor though but I wouldn't be surprised if she is back."

After hearing this, I decided to go try to find one of her dorm mates to see if she is back. Even though it's only been like a day or two that I haven't seen her, I really miss her. I sped walked to the door and left, leaving my best friend standing in the middle of the room.

I eventually got out of my dorm building and looked around. The sun was starting to set (I don't remember if the play ended in the afternoon or evening sorry) and there were students scattered around, most likely leaving the auditorium or getting dinner.

(I did change Haru's character slightly to match my ideas for the book so she's more of a conversation starting person)
My eyes skimmed the area for any girls that I recognized that are (Y/N)'s dorm mates or friends. My tail was swinging from side to side in the thought of seeing her, but my tail suddenly stopped when I felt something pull it.

"Hey, Legoshi," a recognizable voice said from behind. Haru stood there, holding my tail in her small hands, her dark soulless eyes staring right at mine.

"Uh hey," I said, quickly breaking eye contact.

"Looking for something?" Haru asked, letting go of my tail and walking in front of me.

"Yea, I'm looking for one of (Y/N)'s friends."

"You're gotten real close to her haven't you?" Haru said, crossing her arms.

"Well yea, she's my girlfriend why wouldn't we be close?" I tilted my head slightly.

"Girlfriend? Since when!?" Haru exclaimed.

"For a little while I guess. I thought you knew." I said.

"But why her exactly?" Haru said, a slight jealous tone in her voice.

"Because what's not to love?" Another voice laughed from near by.

(Your POV)
"Hey, I'm gonna head over to the guys dorm to see if I can find Legoshi," I said to the angry cat and the twins.

"Ok have fun ~! And tell your friend to put me down!"

"Your problem not mine," I waved my hand at her and walked off.

I walked towards the guys dorm building as fast as I can, and my eyes caught a white rabbit and a grey wolf standing near the dorm.

I could barely hear their conversation where I was, but I did hear "girlfriend" and "why her".

As soon as I got to where they can hear I butted into the conversation. "Cause what's not to love?" I laughed.

Legoshi's head snapped to me and he smiled, tackling me into a hug. "Hi baby, I missed you," he said. I returned the hug, digging my face into his chest.

"I missed you too."

"Uh, Legoshi. I'm still here," Haru said impatiently.

"Yea, I'm actually gonna go to the cafeteria and get dinner. You coming?" Legoshi said, looking at me and breaking the hug. I nodded. "I'll talk to you later, Haru."

Legoshi grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the cafeteria. "So when did you get back?"

"I just got back like 15 minutes ago, I think Haruhi somehow knew I was back cause she was waiting where the car drop off is. I wanted to surprise you," I laughed.

"There was a rumor that you came back so I was gonna look around. But Haru kinda stopped me," Legoshi scratched the back of his neck.

"Her face when I went over was priceless."

"Let's just go get dinner," Legoshi said, chuckling and gripping my hand tighter.

A Wolf's Howl (Legoshi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now