Part 6

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Tony P.O.V.

I woke up early that day because of the excitement. I quickly took a bath, ate breakfast and then went to the S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ. And believe me or not I was the first person there, except for Fury and his team of course. You might be thinking, what has the world come to that I came early? But as I said, it was because I was excited to capture the guy, Percy I think was his name. (Thank you mckenziesettle for pointing out a mistake!😊)

"Looks like you are early." Fury said completely surprised.

"When have I ever been late?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well all of them will be here any minute now." Fury said while looking at his watch.

------------------Time skip------------------

Everybody had arrived now. And by everybody I mean me (The Incredible, Amazing And The One And Only Iron Man), Steve, Nat, Clint, Bruce (just in case, if things go sideways), Vision, Wanda, Peter, Rhodey, Bucky and Sam.

"Now as I have given you all the information you need, you may go and detain him." Fury said.

"But why is their need of my assistance, I mean he is just 20 right? What could he possibly do?" Wanda asked.

"We should not forget that Thor kneeled before him when he heard his name." Steve said pointing the fact out.

"Ok then, any questions?" Fury asked.

"Good now go and detain him." Fury said when nobody asked him any questions.

------------------Time skip------------------

We were sneaking up on him and by far Percy along with a girl was just laying on the sand while doing absolutely nothing. We all took our positions. Clint and Sam were on top of a tree and the others were on the ground. After we waited for them for like half an hour or so somebody said something through our communication devices.

"I don't know about you guys but I don't have any more patience." Bucky said.

"Yeah lets go in then." Steve said. And we slowly walked to them, except for Clint who was ready to shoot from the tree. And as last time they both looked up a bit confused and a bit irritated.

Percy P.O.V.

I groaned when I saw them. They were the same people as last time but with more backup.

"Why are you here again and may I ask you why do you keep ruining our moment." I asked completely irritated.

"The reason is same as last time and about ruining your moment it seems that everytime we come to you, you both are together." The same women as last time said who was still wearing a black suit.

"Now I am going to ask this again. The easy way or the hard way." She said.

"You guys don't look like you are going without a fight, so be it" Annabeth said.

The everyone began to fight. A guy with a shield threw his shield at me and I easily caught it. It seemed to shock him so I took advantage of it by throwing the shield right at him and knocking him out.

As I was fighting I saw all of them come at us at once. Then it was hard to know what was happening around us even with the ADHD, so let me just say we had a upper hand and they lost miserably. Now some of them were knocked out while others were too exhausted to continue to fight. Eventhough we didn't use all of our powers and were not fighting at our fullest the fight was over after some time and as expected we won. Both of us didn't even lose a drop of sweat.

And as we were about to go Thor landed right in front of us

"As expected, you didn't listen to me." Thor said to them with disappointment.

"My Lord and My Lady." He then started to kneel but I glared at him then he stood up and continued. (Thank you xyzhang27 for pointing out a mistake!😊)

"Percy I know that you don't want to go with them but they just think that you are a threat. Just go and prove them that they are wrong. I know that you don't need to prove them but just to remove them off your tail." He said pointing towards the defeated group.

"Only if you want to." He quickly added.

"Ok but it should be quick. We have to be at our home after some time." Annabeth said.

And as she finished, the ones who were knocked out began to come to their senses. Some even stood straight up after realizing what happened.

"We have agreed to come with you but not for long." Annabeth said.

And by saying that we were off to the S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ. 

Pointing out mistakes and constructive criticism is deeply appreciated! :)

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------ Goodbye and see you soon :) ------


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