Chapter 28

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Marinette's P.O.V.

Kim tried to keep up as Marinette put as much distance as possible between herself and the airport. Eventually, Kim stopped her gave her a reassuring hug before calling a cab.

"Alright, Nettie, Chloe and Alix are on a plane so I'm the closest thing you have to a bestie right now. So go ahead start talking and rambling so I can snap you out of it and give you life-changing advice." Marinette rolled her eyes smiling, tears still in her eyes but thankfully none had fallen yet.

"It's not that easy, and you are one of my besties. You're gay best friend!" Marinette said giggling at her old nickname for him. The cab pulled up, the driver seemed blissfully unaware.

"Where to?"

"Arcade please, my friend here needs a distraction."

"Yeah, like kicking your butt in video games."

"Duh, and then we can get you ready for your date~." Marinette and Kim froze.

"Do you think he knows about it?"

"Maybe? A lot of people saw it, and the dumbass that grabbed you made a huge scene." The taxi driver looked at the petite girl worriedly, she noticed.

"I'm fine, Monsieur, thank you for the concern." She said smiling to their driver through the partition and mirror.

"How do you think Chloe and Alix will react?" Marinette asked with a laugh.

"Please! Their gonna get on the next flight back, like worried oh- your parents."

"Oh- my parents." Marinette reiterated, she was quick to reassure herself and Kim, "Well, I'm sure it will be fine he got sent back to Paris. And if I'm here he can't try anything, I really don't want to go to Paris for now. People would freak out."

"Good point." The cab came to a stop in front of the arcade.

"Thank you, Monsieur. Have a nice day."

"You too, Miss. And I'm sorry I overheard and all that, but I hope you handed the pig's ass to him. Something similar happened to my daughter, make sure to stick it to them while you can before they do something that can't be fixed with an 'I'm sorry'." Marinette nodded thanking the man again and walked with Kim to the arcade.

"OH! Let's play that one!" Marinette immediately dragged Kim to a shooter style game which she made a new high score for. The duo moved from one game to the next, Kim hopelessly out matched as Marinette smashed records. They ended up earning more tickets than they knew what to do with. When it was nearing 4:30, Marinette gave her extra tickets to kids as she walked out with her Robin themed teddy bear and pajamas. Marinette thought it would be funny for when she went over next time.

"Alrighty, you ready to go Kim?" Marinette pulled out her phone after he nodded with violet lips and a lollipop in his mouth. Marinette saw she had five missed calls for Damian and countless messages all asking if she was okay. She told Kim to call the cab and called Damian back. He picked up before the first ring finished.

"Jamila? Are you okay? Why didn't you pick up? Are you alright?" Damian frantically asked, worry lacing his voice.

"I'm fine, Mon Étoile! I was in the arcade with Kim. He just called a taxi to take us back to the hotel so I could get ready- unless you'd rather not?" Marinette's tone went from reassuring to insecure.

"As long as you'd like to and you're okay. Does it really take you that long to get ready?"

"No, Kim has to switch his old room for a single closer to mine and Chloe made me promise to call her so she could give input into what I wear. She wants to make sure I look, 'absolutely stunning'." Marinette said that last part with a giggle as she mimicked Chloe's haughty tone.

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