19- Waverly Hills Sanatorium

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**Lmao I'm dumb. I should've done my research but Waverly Hills is in Kentucky so they definitely would've filmed that and Bobby Mackeys within the same few days.... ughhh I guess they're going back to Kentucky let's just ignore my screw uppp idk... At least this is one of the best eps! This is a longgg one though, might be a two-parter! 

Shane seems to get better within a few days, and he thanks me for the ice cream when he gets back to the office. The 2 weeks between locations passes much faster than we expected and we finish off all the desk videos. Now it's time for traveling.

Our schedule looks like this: One night at Waverly Hills Sanatorium, than we're flying to Louisiana for a night in the Dauphine Orleans Hotel, we get a day off and then it's to the Lizzie Borden house where the boys will actually be staying alone for the first time. We'll do an episode on the voodoo world of New Orleans after that and then it's back on a plane and over to Massachusetts where we're going to check out Salem. Once that's done we're flying back to L.A and wrapping season two of Paranormal! We also start dropping weekly episodes this week and we're planning on starting a new segment called post-mortem this season, so like I said... we're gonna be busy. 

TJ is picking us all up for the trip, and this time no one oversleeps. We all jump in his car and head to the airport. It's early in the morning and I'm sitting in the backseat squished between Shane and Ryan. The traffic is pretty bad today but luckily we woke up early enough to leave time for it. Ryan is in a pretty shitty mood because he made the stupid decision to go out with some of his "bro's" last night and now he's super hungover. So he just sits with his head against the window.

TJ and Devon are talking in the front seat about something they just heard over the news on the radio and Shane and I... well Shane and I are playing chopsticks. And I'm kicking his ass.

"Fuck!" He says, realizing I've got him pretty much trapped. Whatever he does on the next move it's over.

"Can you guys shut up, I feel like I'm in the car with two 10-year-old children," Ryan groans.

"Oh don't be such a baby Ryan, it's not our fault you're still not over your frat house days!" Shane says, I win the game right as he finishes, "Dammit!" He says. I hear Ryan laugh to himself and I know he's not actually pissed at us.

We get to the airport and luckily there are no delays so it's off to Waverly Hills.


Waverly Hills Sanatorium might be the most threatening location we've visited to date. I stare up at the huge building, backlit by the light of the moon which catches on the clouds and tints the sky a dark grey, almost green. It's haunting. If I believed in ghosts, I'd probably go looking for them here too. 

"So we're approaching Waverly Hill," Ryan says, 

"The look of this building is so imposing. I'm surprised you're conscious right now," Shane says, the building's huge shadow engulfs us as we get closer. 

"I'm keeping it together for now," Ryan laughs nervously, "there's a good chance tonight is the night you see me die on camera." I laugh, and fall back a little to get a shot from behind the boys of them approaching the building. They keep bantering but I'm distracted by Devon and TJ who are whispering next to me. Because we don't have mics and the boys are ahead of us it shouldn't be picked up. 

"Fuck this place," Devon whispers. She's a believer so I can see why she's nervous. "I can't believe you're sleeping here." She says to me. I laugh and hear TJ laugh as well. 

"Sophie couldn't be any less phased by this place. She's basically a pro at this point," TJ speaks up, I shake my head, 

"I dunno about that, I'm not gonna say this place isn't... creepy," I say, 

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