Chapter 1

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Word Count: 4615



The salty breeze whipped through your hair as you ran down the shore, your feet sinking slightly with each step as various children chased after you. Laughter exploding from your lungs when they finally caught up with you, tackling you down into the wet sand with them.

"Okay, okay, you caught me!" You giggled lifting yourself into a sitting position to look over the many eyes that were locked on your form. Shaking your head, you pulled one of the children into your lap then looked out towards the crystal blue ocean married with a coral painted sky from the sinking sun. Squinting your eyes to focus on the horizon, you could see the fuzzy outline of boats approaching the coast of your tribe.

"Look," pointing a single finger to the almost unseeable boats approaching, "they're back with today's catch."

The children lined up ankle-deep in the saltwater jumping up and down at the idea of their parents or siblings returning with the goods they had stolen from the sea. All but one child, who remained in your lap glaring at the floating contraptions.

You knew that he detested those boats from a very young age.

Rising from the wet ground below you, you placed the child on your hip which they gladly accepted, nuzzling their face into the crook of your neck with no compliant.

"Come on everyone, it's time to go back home!" You called which caused all the remaining children to rush past you up to the coast where your people lived.

You kept a steady pace behind the children making sure to keep all in your sight till you returned to your tribe, "Kota, are you excited for tonight?"

Immediately, you felt the boy's grip tighten around your frame, "I don't want you to do it."

"You don't want to see my Wauo dance?" Your bottom lip pouting out as you turned your head making the onyx hair boy remove his face from the safety of your neck.

"Your mine and that's it!"

A vibration worked its way through your throat at his claim over you.

You didn't bother fighting the smile that was making its way onto your face that accompanied your laughter, "You know, I've already waited three years to even participate in the dance. I can't wait forever Kota, one day I will get married to my Abi. You didn't get like this when Midoriya got married."

"And then he left us!" Kota snipped back, "If you get married then I won't have anyone, you'll leave me too, just like everyone else."

Frowning you petted the back of your hand against his cheek, "I'll always be with you, and Midoriya will be back soon after our shaman tells him all need to know. Him, Uraraka, and Iida will be back in time, and I'll still be in the village I'll just be married, that's the only difference. I'm not leaving you."

"You have to promise me," Removing his ivory shell necklace from his neck then shoving it your way, "promise me."

Kissing the necklace on the single thick indigo bead that was placed in the center of the tiny necklace you sealed your promise. This was the highest oath that two people could make in your tribe.

It was meant for serious matters, but for children, everything was a serious matter, "I promise."

The two of you arrived at the small tribe and Kota removed himself from you reluctantly. The tribe was bustling with life as people worked diligently in preparing for the ritual tonight. The night before had been the Abi dances where the stand out of the night had surprisingly been Yosetsu, making him the prime candidate for many of tonight's dancers.

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