Chapter 10

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Word Count: 4109




Climbing off of his horse, the heterochromatic male approached you, his gaze never leaving your form despite being hidden behind Bakugou. His intimidating eyes demanded your attention and even if you did try to break away from the deadly stare, your body wouldn't let you. You were rooted to the spot. Your body was refusing to move an inch.

How could a pair of eyes have such a force? Was this what it felt like to be an animal at the bottom of the food chain?

"I'm afraid you missed me when you were introducing your Omai to the tribe heads." His voice was deep and calculated. There was no note of emotion to his words, giving you no idea of what was running through his head.

Bakugou harrumphed, his chest puffing out, "Or, maybe I didn't think that you deserved to meet her."

"I believe I have the right to meet my next chieftess," The lionfish striped man challenged, "I would like to know who will be leading me in the future."

Shifting, there was a pull on your bicep forcing you to stumble forward next to your Abi, or rather Rumi. You did not fail to notice how those eyes scanned your body up and down. Bakugou also didn't fail to notice either as he hesitated in releasing your arm.  Standing in front of the red and white male, it became clear to you that he a decent height advantage on the blond and the other males present with the expectation of Sero.

"This is (L/N) (Y/N)." Bakugou hissed possession coating his words, "my Omai."

Scooping up your hand the unknown man bent down pressing the front of your hand to his forehead in one fluid movement before standing tall again. You had become accustomed to this movement as it was an introduction custom in this new tribe, but he did not release you from his grip like the others did, "I am Todoroki Shoto, head of the clan's defense."

Instantly you noticed that his hand was much different from Bakugou's. It was freezing--so cold that it even put the chilliest of water from the ocean to shame. They were much smoother than Bakugou's rough calloused hands and seemed to lack any imperfections. In fact, this man seemed to lack any flaws except for the scar that blessed a good portion left side of his face.

"T-Todoroki, huh...does that mean you're related to Shaman Todoroki?" You asked as the name was familiar to you. Your attempt to connect to your predator had severely backfired.

His jaw tightened along with the grip on your hand making you hold in a whimper.

Narrowing his eyes, the large red stamp of a scar puckered, "Yes, he's my father I'm afraid."

You lost your ability to speak so you nodded your head instead. Todoroki had made it more than clear that his father was a subject that he did not want to talk about.

"There ya met her, now get the fuck out to the hunting. That goes for all of you dumbasses," Bakugou ordered butting in between the two of you breaking the cold hold Todoroki had on your hand.

Before you knew it, you were lifted and thrown onto the back of Zero with Bakugou climbing up behind you. While adjusting yourself to the best uncomfortable position on the large beast, a pair of arms emerged from behind and grabbed the reins, caging you in the process. Leaning back into Bakugou's firm chest, you prepared yourself for whatever pace he had in mind to start this journey.

:Captured: Bakugou x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang