Chapter 11

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Word Count: 4115



"Why did you become strong, Tenko?"

Powder blue tuffs spun in the random gust of wind, his answer immediate, "Revenge."

Small digits dug into the soft ground, dirt slipping under his fingernails while he worked, "Revenge?" Kota's voice raised in interest. 

Sitting on a large slab, Tenko's bloody pupils looked down at his pupil mucking up a certain path of the earth. His cracked lips rolling up, pleased watching such small hands operating just for him, "Revenge is the fastest way to get strong. Outside of being a form of strength, I must say, it's also satisfying too." 

Cold sharp metal grazed Kota's fingertips. A light gasp dropped out of his lips and his digging became feverish, like a wolf finding a long-forgotten bone. Feeling around the soil his hand clutched the dark leather handle. Ripping the small knife from the ground, the metal shined brightly in the midday sun.

"The fastest, huh?" 

Slinking off of his perch on the warm stone, layers of black fabric billowed behind the milky white male. His wooden staff hitting the ground in a rhythmic tone as he approached his student. Reaching out, his hand entangled itself into those soft dark locks, making sure to keep a certain digit in the air, "Indeed."

Lowering himself down, his collection of preserved hands peeked out of their hidden wall of black, but by now, the sight no longer deterred the boy. If anything, they were a reminder to him how lucky his tribe was when those vile people he was forced to live with, "What kind of revenge?" 

"Well, the best kind of course," Tenko's voice became raspy, almost as if he was in a fit of lust from whatever his twisted mind was conjuring up, "returning the favor, which in their case is death."

Kota's dark eyes widen, "How can you raid a whole tribe by yourself?" 

The dry pale hand retracted returning to his side, "Who said I was alone?" Taking a few steps away from the boy, Tenko rested his staff on a tree nearby before brandishing his own knife, "I have you don't, I?"

Blinking, the dark-haired boy mouth became lose as he watched his dearest friend closely. Scratching at the unknown leather of the handle, Kota's eyes shifted to the ground, "But...I'm not that strong. I can't do anything really." 

"Ah, ah, ah, now that's not true." The dark clothed man immediately challenged, "You've grown so much since I started training you. Let's not mention you have lots of strengths, that I don't possess. You just don't know how to use them yet."

"I-I do?" The boy's head shot up with wonder in his glimmering in his eyes.

Tilting the sharp knife in his hand at different angles, Tenko could barely contain himself as he closed in on the boy, "Of course. You're a child, then you also have their trust, but most importantly," dipping down he cooed in the shell of Kota's ear, "they think you're weak." 

Kota grip on his weapon tightened, not understanding how something he hated so much could be powerful. When was being weak suddenly a benefit? The young boy knew that his friend was a little crazy, but did the bastard lose his whole mind since his last training visit?

"I hate that they think I'm weak," The young boy growled pulling away, "there's nothing good about people thinking you're weak."

"That's not true at all Kota, I'd rather have people think I'm weak than strong. When someone sees you as strong, they learn to fear you. They are prepared for battle. But, when someone thinks your weak, you have the element of surprise," The corner of his lips twisting further upwards thus cracking the crusty cake up that had built up there over a few days, "they'll never know what hit them." 

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