18. Panicing

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When I got out of the bus I had to walk around 5 minutes to go to the main school building. On my way there I stoped at the convenience store to get myself something to eat.

I grabbed an iced coffee and some boiled eggs in the convenience store and walked further towards school. When I arrived I saw 3 cars owned by my stepbrothers already parked in the parking-lot.

I looked at my watch and saw that we had still 15 minutes left until class starts. My stepbrothers came early today, and I probably know why... They will destroy me when I get to them. I'm so f*cked.

No Y/n stay positive! You will be alright. My mind spoke to myself. Last nights' sleep made me calm myself down and I don't feel as anxious anymore about what happend last night. Just try to avoid jimin and you will be okay. My mind convinced me.

I was right, when I walked towards my shared locker I saw all of them standing there. Nice even Jimin is here, just don't look at him.

When they saw me walking up to them I got a lot of angry looks, they were all looking at me like they would beat me up right on the spot.

'Come on Y/n you will be alright, they won't hurt you while you're at school. They can't do anything to you'. My mind said. 'Yes they will, you also never thought that Jimin would kiss you but that happend too'. My dark thoughts popped up. 'On the bright side I have never seen them beat up a girl before. You will be fine just act nice and maybe they will calm down a bit'. I shook the thoughts away and put on a fake smile.

"Good morning." I said happily while giving them my biggest fake smile. I opened the locker and started putting in my stuff. They all shot me glares and I saw some cracking their necks in annoyance. "Did you guys get out of the wrong side of the bed this morning?" I asked them.

"Don't act like you don't know what's going on!" Taehyung said while slapping the back of my head.

"Auch." I said while pouting like a little kid.

"Do you want a kiss on that?". Jimin said sarcastically. I just shot him a blank face.

Is he really bringing this up?! Last night he kissed me on my damn lips without permission!! And now he is joking about it. I'm still mad and anxious about yesterday. I quickly looked away from Jimin, if I would look at him for any longer the bad memories will pop up and I will have them for a long time.

Jimins face reminds me of what happened that night and it makes my stomach feel like it's being stabbed by a thousand knives.

I have gone to therapy for what happened to me that night. The thought of someone forcing themselves on me makes me depressed and anxious or makes me want to trow up. It doesn't help that this happened twice in a short period off time. The first day I went to this school Chen forced him on me and within 3 weeks it happens again, but this time it was Jimin.

I started loosing these memories but they are coming back, I'm starting to think that the therapy was for nothing.

I tried to brush off the thoughts, took a deep breath and closed the locker. I didn't give a response to Jimin, instead I started to walk towards Lae's locker.

Calm down Y/n nothing bad is happening, Jimin is just playing around. You will be alright. I tried to calm myself down

But I got stopped by no other than Jungkook. "Where do you think your going?" Jungkook asked me with an harsh tone, while pulling me back towards them with his hand around my arm. When I stood on the place next to Jungkook I saw all their faces including Jimins.

No Jimin will not hurt you. My mind said
Yes he will, did you forget what he did to you last night? My mind was having an argument with itself. The thoughts of Jimin kissing me started playing in my head, this made me panick.

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