22. Family breakfast

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"Shall we go downstairs? Everyone is there to eat breakfast as a family and afterwards you can get ready for school." She told me. I don't even know what time it is. I looked up at the clock that was hanging on my wall. It said that it was 7 in the morning.

"Okay." I said to her. I don't want to go downstairs, everyone that I hate is there. But I would break my mom's heart if she couldn't eat breakfast as a family.

I got out off the hug and got out off my bed. "You can go downstairs, I'm going to clean myself up first." I told her. She nodded as response and went to go downstairs.

I walked towards my bathroom and got my toothbrush. I put on some toothpaste and started brushing my teeth. I looked into the mirror and saw that I had bruises on my neck from Taehyungs hands.

I think my mom didn't notice it, because she was hugging me tightly. I stoped with brushing my teeth and put my fingertips on the bruises. It hurts when I touche it. The bruises where bleu combined with some purple and brown. "Thanks Taehyung." I said sarcastically, now I have a freaking hand on my neck.

I'm not even going to try to cover up the bruises. I know the make up that I own won't have enough coverage to cover up these dark bruises and it will only hurt me, if I try to apply the foundation.

I finished brushing my teeth and went downstairs. When I entered the dining room everyone was looking at me. Mom gave me a woried look. BTS were giving me angel like smiles, well this is the first time. Are they trying to be the perfect child in front of their dad?

"Good morning Y/n." Mr. Kim said happily. "Miss Cho has already mad you breakfast, sit down." He told me and pointed at the plate in between Seokjin and Namjoon. I was planning on avoiding Seokjin, Jimin and Taehyung. But I guess I don't have a choice then to sit next to Seokjin. I just nodded and sat down.

"Y/n what's that on your neck?" My mom asked worried when she saw my neck. She probably hadn't notice it back in my room.

"Tae-" I got cut off.

"She had an accident in physics class." Jungkook interrupted me. I looked at him madly.

"No I did not!" I said to him. I want my mom to know the truth and I want her to know that these guys are crazy. That's how she will realize that we need to move out off this cursed house. "Taehyung did this to me." I told her. My mom looked shocked and I saw Mr. Kim giving Taehyung deadly eyes.

Seokjin bumped me into my shoulder as a playful sign and giggled. "She is just joking." Seokjin said and gave me warning eyes. "She had an accident in physics class. And when we got home she and Taehyung got into a small fight." He lied. "It was really nothing, but I think Y/n is still mad about it. That is why she is blaming him." He laughed it off and gave and angle like look to my mom. "It was just a small brother and sister fight, wasn't it? It's like we have been siblings for forever." He told my mom.

"Ooohw." My mom said and then a smile appeared back on her face. "Great to hear that you guys see each other like siblings, I have always wanted a big family!" She said exited. Is she really falling for this?

I wanted to say something but before I could Hoseok interrupted me. "Y/n you should eat, otherwise your food will get cold." He said and looked at me with eyes that were saying, 'if you tell your mom you will end up dead'.

I gave him a deadly glare back before taking a bite from my breakfast. "Why are you guys back early from your honeymoon?" I asked them after a minute.

"Seokjin said that you have a stalker around, so we thought it would be better to go back home." Mr Kim told me.

I scoffed. "Well this isn't the first time I'm being stalked." I said, remembering the files I found last night.

"What do you mean? I have not been been informed that you had a stalker before." Mr Kim said confused.

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