The test

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A/N I'm sorry I didn't update sooner. "I got lost on the path of life" as Kakashi would say. Anyway back to the story.

*The next morning*

Naruto was the first one there, he arrived about 30 minutes early. Kakashi had told them not to eat, that wasn't a problem seeing as Naruto didn't eat much anyway. Naruto decided to stay in the shadows until Kakashi sensei arrived. Who knows what might happen if he were alone with Sasuke and Sakura. They both hated him. He was early and had plenty of time to find a comfortable place to lay low. About 20 minutes passed before Sasuke arrived and Sakura was following behind him trying to convince him to go on a date with him. Naruto waited for another 10 minutes to see if Kakashi would show up but he didn't. Sasuke started complaining about how Kakashi was late, then he started complaining about how Naruto was late too.
"Kakashi sensei is probably telling Naruto that we don't need him on our team." Sakura said with a smile on her face, but Sasuke just rolled his eyes.
"I couldn't care less about that screw up, I just Kakashi to hurry up." Sasuke said sounding really annoyed. Kakashi was late and Naruto definitely didn't want to be spotted so he kept quiet and stayed hidden. A few hours passed and Sasuke was really pissed off. Sakura was holding onto Sasuke the whole time and Naruto was starting to worry if Kakashi was okay.  After about another half an hour Kakashi finally showed up. Sasuke started questioning him right away and Sakura did the same.
"I'm sorry I got lost on the p- where's Naruto?" Kakashi asked before finishing his previous sentence. "How the hell are we supposed to know were that screw up is and why should we care?" Sasuke said as he rolled his eyes. As Sasuke was speaking Naruto waved a hand from behind the tree he was hiding behind just enough to get Kakashi's attention and not the others. Kakashi felt a weird rush of relief and gave a simple nod before explaining the test. Kakashi took out two bells. "What are those for?" Sakura asked.
"You have to take these bells from me before noon or you'll be tied to a post, you won't get lunch, and you'll have to go back to the academy." Kakashi said before setting a timer. "Time starts now." Kakashi said and with that Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto all hid. Naruto's teammates still didn't know he was there and he didn't plan on letting them know.
After a few minutes of absolute silence Sasuke was the first one to make a move Sasuke took him on in hand to hand combat. Naruto took this chance to make a clone. Sasuke was using a bunch of big jutsus like fire ball. So Kakashi wouldn't notice him if his clone came from behind and took one bell. Naruto's clone snuck behind Kakashi sensei and took one of the bells he held it in the palm of his hand so it wouldn't make noise. Naruto's clone gave Naruto the bell without being spotted. All Naruto had to do now was stay hidden until time ran out. Sasuke was still having trouble with Kakashi so he decided to do a takeout and swiftly change places with a clone. The clone then took Kakashi head on as Sasuke took a bell. As soon as Sasuke had the bell he undid his clone and that surprised Kakashi. Sasuke then walked away grinning with the bell in his hand. Sakura was too scared for hand to hand combat so she threw a few kunai which all missed her target and gave away her location. Kakashi then put Sakura under a genjutsu and waited to see if Naruto would make a move before time ran out but nothing once time ran out he released the jutsu Sakura was under. "So only Sasuke passed." Kakashi said sounding disappointed. At that moment Naruto jumped from the tree he was holding a bell. "Excuse me Kakashi sensei." Naruto said and everyone turned to face Naruto. Kakashi looked down to were he thought the remaining bell was but to his surprise if wasn't their. "How did you get it and not me?" Sakura asked sounding upset and confused.
"When did you get here?" Sasuke asked sounding really pissed off.
"Naruto, when did you manage to take the bell?" Kakashi said sounding curious. "His voice isn't filled with hate." Naruto thought to himself. "I've been here the whole time, I arrived before everyone else and I managed to grab the bell with my clone while Sasuke was distracting everyone." Naruto said with his voice barely a whisper. Kakashi looked at Naruto and felt the need to hug him but he restrained himself. Sasuke was pissed so he walked up to Naruto and grabbed him by his shirt. "Look if you think you can show up out of nowhere and outdo me your sadly wrong you village reject." Sasuke said looking Naruto dead in the eyes. Naruto was sceard he didn't want to fight. Kakashi sensei separated Sasuke and Naruto and warned Sasuke not to do it again. Kakashi then tied Sakura up to a post. "Don't feed Sakura. Of you do you'll fail." Kakashi sensei said before disappearing. Sakura looked embarrassed being the only one tied up and starving. "Here." Naruto said handing Sakura his food. "I don't really eat anything." Naruto finished. "We! I'd rather starve then eat your food!" Sakura said before turning her head. Kakashi then reappeared at sudden as he disappeared. Naruto was slightly frightened because he had gone against Kakashi sensei. "You all pass." Kakashi said with a smile. That came to a shock to all of them. "Those who break the rules are concerned scum, but those who would abandon even one friend is worse then scum." Kakashi said before untying Sakura and leaving. "Don't get the wrong idea idiot. We're not friends and we never will be." Sakura told Naruto before leaving. "The village would be better without you so do us a favor and leave. You could die for all I care." Sasuke said before heading home himself.
Naruto ran home in tears. When Naruto got home he cried and cried.

"I'm worthless"

"I can't do anything right"

"No one needs me"

"No one wants me"

"I'm a monster"

"Would anyone care if im gone?"

"Would anyone care?"

Those were the only thoughts going through Naruto's head when he took out a kunai and started making cuts on his arm. Naruto's eyes filled with tears and he couldn't see. Naruto made more and more cuts. He kept going until he felt lightheaded from blood lost. Naruto got up and walked over to a mirror.
"What am I doing here? This is pathetic."  Naruto thought to himself before going to lay down. "I'm pathetic."

The next update will be soon! Tell me what you think in the comments! Thx 4 reading!

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