For what it's worth

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Hay. Yeah sorry for disappearing off the face of the earth. I would have updated this sooner but it was such a drag. But I'm here now so hay!

Those were the only thoughts going through Naruto's head when he took out a kunai and started making cuts on his arm. Naruto's eyes filled with tears and he couldn't see. Naruto made more and more cuts. He kept going until he felt lightheaded from blood lost. Naruto got up and walked over to a mirror.
"What am I doing here? This is pathetic."  Naruto thought to himself before going to lay down. "I'm pathetic."
*recap over

Naruto drifted off into an uneasy sleep as the thoughts of the events of the previous day.

*in da morning*

Naruto awoke with a sharp pain in his arms. Naruto ignored the pain for a second to check the time. It was 7:00 a.m. He had to meet with his team for training in an hour. Naruto decided he wasn't needed and stayed home. Naruto then took some pain killers and some numbing medicine. After the medicine kicked in and Naruto couldn't fill anything in his arms. He cut. He cut and cut and cut. He wasn't concerned for his life. He simply didn't care. His once orange clothing were then stained with blood. Naruto not being satisfied with his cut filled arms he decided to cut his legs as well. As the pain and numbing medicine started to wear off the pain Naruto felt was intense. Naruto stopped and winced at the pain.

"Why?! Does anyone care! If I died right now who would be here to cry for me? Dose my life have any meaning?" Naruto thought. Naruto picked up a white pill bottle that contained sleeping pills and took a handful. "Someone help. Please." Naruto muttered as he fell to the floor unconscious.

*at training
Kakashi arrived late once again and was greeted by an angry Sasuke and Sakura. "Your late. Again." Sasuke said really annoyed. "Your always late! How did you ever become a ninja!" Sakura yelled. Kakashi was about to apologize like always when he noticed that a certain blondie wasn't present. "Where is Naruto?" Kakashi asked with a more serious tone than usual witch came as a shock to Sasuke and Sakura. "How the hell should we know! He isn't even important!" Sasuke snapped. "Yeah, he isn't important so you should care Kakashi sensei." Sakura said. Kakashi ignored there rude comments and started to worry. "No training for today." Kakashi sensei said. "You can't have us wait her because your late than tell us to go home!" Sakura complained sense that's all she was good for. Kakashi ignored her and ran in the direction of Naruto's house. Kakashi raced through the village jumping from roof top to roof top. A few people yelled out there windows at Kakashi for jumping on their roof but he didn't have time to stop and apologize so he told himself he would do it later.

After a while of running he reached Naruto's house. Kakashi walked up to the door and knocked on it hoping Naruto would open the door perfectly fine but that wasn't the case. Kakashi knocked a few more times but after hearing no response he decided to open the door. The door wasn't locked so Kakashi walked inside and what he saw shocked him. A motionless Naruto lay unconscious covered in blood and cute with some extremely deep. Kakashi rushed over to Naruto's side and checked his pulse. "He's breathing." Kakashi thought to himself. Kakashi tapped Naruto trying to wake him but after no response he started to worry. Naruto's pulse was beginning to fade. Kakashi picked up the motionless Naruto and rushed towards the leaf hospital with tears streaming down his face.

As soon as Kakashi arrived at the hospital he went to the front desk and told them it was an emergency. The lady in the front desk looked down at Naruto with a look of disgust. "Ok I'll need you to fill this out." The lady said handing kakashi's a stack of papers. "This is an emergency his pulse is dropping! Can't something like that wait!" He yelled sounding desperate. The lady rolled her eyes and put Naruto on a bed and took him to the back and Kakashi followed. When they got to the room they told Kakashi to wait outside so he did. Naruto was turning pale and was barely breathing. They gave him an IV, an oxygen mask, and bandaged the not deep wounds and stitched up the deep ones before bandaging them. Kakashi was pacing back and forth outside of the door. The doctor told Kakashi that the boy would be fine and led him to where Naruto was sleeping. "He might not wake up for awhile so feel free to leave whenever you'd like." The doctor told Kakashi. "I'll stay as long as I have to." Kakashi replied grabbing the young boy's hand. The doctor walked out of the room leaving the two alone. "Please wake up." Kakashi said laying his head on Naruto's bed.

Time skip*

Naruto woke up and looked at his surroundings. He was in a hospital bed covered in bandages. He looked out the small window to see it was night. He looked down surprised to see his sensei asleep holding his hand. Naruto rubbed his sensei's hair to wake him up.  Kakashi looked at Naruto and saw he was awake. "Your awake! I'll go get a doctor!" Kakashi said turning to leave when Naruto grabbed his hand. "Wait." Was all he said. Kakashi sat back down and looked at Naruto slightly confused. "How did I get here?" Naruto asked looking out of the window. "When you weren't at practice I was worried and went to your place." Kakashi said with a slight blush on his face. "Why did you bring me?" Naruto asked not changing his glance. "What do you mean why? You were on the verge of death. Of course I brought you." Kakashi replied. Naruto shifted his gaze and made eye contact with Kakashi. "That's not what I meant. Why didn't you let me die? Everyone hates me why are you different. Is it because they nine tails might rampage if I die?" Naruto asked not breaking eye contact. Kakashi felt hurt by his words but he understood. "Because, for what it's worth, I care about you deeply. More than I'd like to admit. Your more than a student to me." Kakashi said. Naruto simply laughed and looked back at the window. "Who could care about a demon." Naruto said letting a tear roll down his face. The moon light slightly hitting Naruto's face made his eyes shimmer. His eyes were sad and held a lot of strong emotions. "I could." Kakashi said slightly tilting Naruto's head and gently kissed his cheek leaving Naruto in shock. "I don't show my face to just anyone." Kakashi said smiling before pulling his mask back over his face. Naruto pulled Kakashi into a deep hug and started crying. Kakashi just hugged back. "T-thank y-you." Naruto managed to say through sobs. "It's ok." Kakashi replied and they stayed in each other's arms for the rest of the night.

Hello persons! I will update again soon (hopefully) please comment and tell me what you think I love reading them! I'll be replying to as many as possible! Thx (*ˊᗜˋ*)ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ

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