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Dracos pov

I stayed at Harry's. I couldn't leave him. He was now asleep on my chest with his arms wrapped around me tightly. I was playing with his hair and just looking at his eye

"Why is there vomit on our carpet?!" A womans voice said angrily from down stairs. I closed my eyes and pulled the broken boy closer to me. Suddenly there was running coming to Harry's room. I panicked but a red head woman opend the door and shut it behind her locking it

"You must be Harry's boyfriend" she whispered

"I- I'm not his boyfriend" I said back. I'm not his boyfriend.....

"Oh... but you two are.. close?"


She nodded her head. She sat next to me and harry and gasped at his face, I move a little so she could see his stomach, tears filled her eyes

"My baby" she whispered. I pulled harry closer to me again. She just looked at him in shock

"Why would he be so horrible" she mumbled. I didnt know what to say so I said nothing, just continued to play with Harry's hair.

"Draco?" He mumbled suddenly giving both me and his mum a fright

"Yeah?" I whispered. His mum looked at me and back at harry who still had his eyes closed.

"Thank you for being here" he mumbled. I smiled weakly and pulled him closer and kissed his forehead. He put his head on my shoulder and wrapped a leg around me weakly before more soft snores came from him.

"He trusts you?" She whispered. I nodded my head

"Did he tell you, or did you just know?"

"He told me"

"He never trusts anyone. People have to work hard for it. What did you do?"

"I done nothing"




We fell into another silence after that

"I'll leave" she said and walked out. When she was gone I pulled a blanket over me and harry and let myself fall into a sleep

It was now morning. I woke before harry. His eye had calmed down since last night but his chest and stomach had got worse. I looked at my phone and seen many messages from Severus, my godfather and also the retired leader of the gang. He still had the power to boss people around, but had given that power to me when he had got shot in the leg and went to be the school's science teacher. I turned my phone off and closed my eyes pulling harry closer.

"Dwaco?" He said in a sleepy morning baby voice. I smiled


"You're still here"

"Yes i am"


"I'm not leaving you with that asshole"

"Hm" he pulled me closer. I smiled and kissed his head. I grabbed his phone and was surprised when it didnt have a password. I looked at his timetable for the day and sighed

"You have art for 3 periods" I whispered to him. He flinched and shook his head

"What's wrong?"

"D- dad burnt my sketchbook l- last night" he mumbled

"He what?! But that sketchbook was one of the most important things to you!"

"Well it's gone now" harry said as he sat up. I pulled him back down by his arm and wrapped my arms around him and kissed his head

"I'm so sorry" I whispered. His arms wrapped around me and he hid his face in my chest.

Soon we got up and I helped him get dressed. His mom came in and gave us both breakfast before quickly leaving

"Harry, mind if I borrow clothes for today?" I asked. He blushed at the thought of me wearing his clothes and nodded his head. He walked over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of Jean's and a black shirt

"These are two big for me so they should fit you" he said holding them out for me to grab. He looked so cute the way he held the clothes out with both hands and a shy smile on his face. I took the clothes and kissed his forehead

"You're adorable" I whispered in his ear and kissing him again before walking into his bathroom.

When I walked out he was looking through his cupboard in a hurry

"What are you looking for?" I asked

"I thought maybe I would have a spare sketchbook.... apparently not..." he mumbled giving up and flopping down onto his bed. It almost broke my heart seeing him like this, he loves art. He loves art more then he loves his friends, his mum, almost everything. I shoved my clothes into my bag and lay next to him

"Y'know, I realized before that we arent a couple, yet we act like one" I said. He sat up and looked at me awkwardly

"Sorry! I- I'll stop kissing you then-"

"Shut up idiot! That's the opposite of what I'm saying!" I said cutting him off and almost laughing 

"O- oh?" He mumbled. I smiled and sat up, I pulled him into my lap and kissed his nose

"I was going to ask for you to be my boyfriend...."

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