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"miss? we're ready for you, are you ready to go?" the nurse popped her head around the corner of the curtains.

feeling taehyung squeeze her hand tighter, soonyi looked over at him. seeing his eyes start to water and his mouth start to tremble, soonyi grabbed his chin and pulled him in for a slow kiss, savouring the feeling- knowing that it could be the last kiss they share. the couple pulled away as the saltiness of their tears started tainting their kiss, resting their foreheads together.

"taehyung- baby, listen." soonyi started, ignoring the cracks in her voice, "i need you to promise me something. can you do that for me, bear?"

"i- i need to know what it is first." taehyung whimpered, his voice growing quieter as he held soonyi's hand tighter.

"promise- promise me that no matter what happens, y-you'll keep smiling. ok? i-i know it will be hard, and i know that there will be times where you want to give up. but you have to promise me that you'll keep going." she paused, feeling the lump in her throat grow.

"i-i'll always love you, taehyung. s-so, if i don't make it out of this, i-i don't want you to think that this is the end of the road for you. i need you to keep doing what you do best, o-ok? i need you to keep sharing your lovely smile with the world, i-i need you to keep making people happy with your presence." she stopped, feeling the tears freely flow down her cheeks.

taehyung let out a heart wrenching sob as he cupped soonyi's face and nodded.

"i-i promise, bear. i-i'll do my best. for you."

with a solemn smile, she whispered.

"thank you."

leaning in once more, soonyi felt her worries fade as she focused on the softness of taehyung's lips, contrasted by the saltiness of their tears.

"s-soonyi." taehyung started, pulling away to look into her eyes. "i-i want to thank you. i-i want to say thank you for being my reason to wake up, f-for being my reason to smile, my reason to laugh- f-for being my everything.

i-i'll never forget you. i'll never forget your smile, which always makes my day perfect, o-or your eyes, which hold so many stars it makes the night sky jealous. i-i'll never forget how your hand fits in mine perfectly, o-or how you look like an angel then the sun shines down on you.

i'll never forget anything about you, soonyi.

i love you so much. t-thank you for letting me be a part of your life, angel. i-i love you," he paused as he choked out a sob, "i-i love you so much. i-i'm so sorry that this world didn't treat you well. y-you deserve so much better than this, bear." he finished, his sentence being overtaken by his tears.

soonyi only smiled softly at him.

"the world did treat me well, taehyung. it gave me you. what more could i ask for?" she gently spoke, as if her words would break him if they were too loud.

before taehyung could reply, the nurse slowly put her head around the curtain again, a sad look upon her face.

"miss, i-i apologise, but if we wait any longer we will be unable to carry out the operation." she softly spoke, glancing at the tears streaming down the cheeks of the couple.

taehyung subconsciously tightened his hold on soonyi's hand.

"i-it's time for me to go, bear. remember, i'll always be with you. n-no matter what happens in this surgery, i'll never leave your side. ok bear?" she turned to taehyung, lifting their intertwined hands and placing a kiss onto his trembling hand.

taehyung only nodded, as he pulled her in for one last kiss, savouring the feeling.

reluctantly pulling away, soonyi sent a smile in taehyung's direction.

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