~ Chapter 5 ~

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In the morning, the sun light cames tickles King Branch's purple nose. The trollagon opened his blue eyes only to meet the sleeping face of his wife, Poppy. The pretty pink trolls slept peacefully against his chest covered with scales that had appeared naturally on his skin to keep her warm. He couldn't help but smile softly and began to kiss her face gently to wake her up, sometimes licking her with his dragon tongue, playfully:

- Branch ... stop it, it's tickling! ... she laughed as he attacked his neck.

To take revenge she had started scratching behind his hurt ear. Immediately the blue-gray troll cannot help purring loudly, closing his eyes while Poppy laughed of how that troll was the most adorable thing in the world:

- Do all the trollagons purr so much? She asked, an amused smile drawing on her sleepy face.

She loved to hear him purring, he was probably the trollagon who purred the most in the whole village .... the moment she grabbed his hand in hers or kissed his cheek, he began to purr with happiness and joy ..... a bit like if the simple fact of meeting her gaze was magic.

- Puuuurrrrr ... I'm .... purrrr ... not the only one .... he tried to defend himself, which required a laugh from the queen which made him purr even louder, the mopis ... purrrr , purrs constantly! Purrrr ....

Then she scratched a spot on his ear that she knew would made him beg and gently silence him from try get away of that situation:

- purrr ... Ah, yeah, right there, purrrrr ..... keep going ... he says, his leg started to hit the mattress in rhythm, which was worth a snort of the queen of pop trolls.

Soon the royal couple were standing in the kitchen in their pajamas. Branch sipping his cup of coffee while looking at the door to Snow's bedroom. He thought back to their conversation last night, and their argument at the library ... what was going on in his baby's head? He had never seen his son like that ...

- I'm going to wake him up, said Poppy, letting Branch watch over breakfast, delicious pancakes in the pan

The pink troll knew that the trollagon had a complicated relationship with their son, he had already confessed to her that he thought Snow didn't like him because he was the one who had gave him his scales of trollagon ... but she continued to assure him that Snow loved his father with all his heart, as much as Branch loved him.

When she opened the door, the young lilas- skinned troll's bed was empty and the window was open, the fresh morning air rushed into the bedroom and made the queen shiver, who would have liked to have the natural warmth of a trollagon to protect herself like her two boys. A slight panic settled in her not finding her son, but it already happen that Snow left the pod to go to Izzy's house without warning them, so the queen calmed down, even if she promised herself to explain the importance of always warning them where he was go somewhere again.

- Branch? She asked over her shoulder, does Snow warned you that he was going somewhere?

The blue-gray troll put down his cup, his not-hurt ear straightened slightly in confusion:

- He's not here ? He was astonished, he's maybe at Izzy's pod .... the king made the same suggestion as she

Worried, the two trolls quickly ate their pancakes, dressed up for the day, and made their way to Branch's ''sister'' 's bud. She opened the door for them, offering to come in;

- Is Snow here? Asked Poppy

But their purple-eyed friend seemed to be surprised and asked them;

- No, he's not here ... Does he dissapear ? What's going on, guys?

Branch and Poppy exchanged a worried look, where their precious little treasure was hidden ??? If he was not at the Light Fury Trollagon's pod, where was he ??? Izzy tried to calm them down and offered to help them find him.

The three friends therefore spent the morning looking for the young Prince throughout the village, but no borrows, no scales ... even with a smell of trollagon, Hairless and Aurora was unable to find him.

- I didn't see him, said Nuage when Izzy asked him the question

- Snow? But it's summer ... Woodland says, confused

- No idea .... you play hide and seek? A friend of Snow laughed.

- Where is he ??? Branch was really starting to panic, looking even under little rocks on the ground

If something happened ... he would rather not even think about it, because he would be hate himself for the rest of his life.

- Let's go ask Maya, we didn't ask her yet ... proposed Izzy

So they continue they search and found the turquoise troll making jewelry out of the precious stones she had recently found. Seeing Poppy and Branch coming accompany by Aurora, who was looking through all the trees around, she put away her equipment to listen to them:

- Hello, Poppy greeted her, she was playing nervously with a lock of her hair as Branch slowly stroked her other hand, trying to calm her down, Did you see Snow today? We've been looking for him everywhere since this morning ....

- I think I know where he is, replied the trollagon Stormcutter

Immediately the two parents widened their eyes, placing their two hands on the counter:

- YOU SAW HIM ??? WHERE??? They exclaimed, hope was reborn on the anguished face.

Maya took the time to put away the jewelry she was working on, Aurora was laying behind Branch and the pop trolls of the village had been attracted by the visible anguish of the king and queen. Maya looked Branch in the eyes, slightly sorry for him:

- I know you tried everything ... but the storm is rising, she said, a small smile appeared on her lips.

The sky ... no, the world had just collapsed suddenly on Branch and Poppy's shoulders, they knew what it meant.

The prophecy had just begun, the storm was rise up, Snow was going to his destiny.

- WHAT?!!?!? The two trolls exclaimed in one voice

MOUNTAIN SOUND - Storm's Journey (HTTYD, Trolls Fanfiction) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now