~ Chapter 7 ~

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Snow couldn't believe his ears; he had found him, King Trollex of the Techno Trolls stood before him ... as an answer, the young troll only managed to stammer his words:

- Uhh .. yes, we ... we talk a lot about you in the library books ...

Trollex let out a chuckle, his colorful fishtail made rippling the clear river water. He grabbed a stone in the water and continued to ask questions:

- Why did you come to this lost place ? Who are the leaders of the pop trolls? We lack information under the sea ! He laughed

So he didn't know he was the king and queen's son? Great, that calmed him down a bit. He hated being treated like a god or something like that... and could he tell him that kind of information? His aunt Maya was in love with this troll, so he assumed he was someone he could trust ... Trollex rested his blue muzzle against the stone ...

- QueenPoppy of the Trolls and KingBranch of the Dragons, he said, using his parents' popular nicknames as Trollex laid the precious stone he just made magically on the beach.

Was it he who had built this beach of precious stones?

- Oh ! A king and a queen eh? He was smiling, so what brings you here? Are you looking for something in the old village?

- Uh ... No ... well, I mean ....

Stammering again, the young troll raised his arm and scratched the back of his neck, allowing Trollex to see the mark on his side very clearly. The fish troll widened his emerald green eyes, he couldn't believe it ...

- You are ... You are the storm ... Trollex whispered

- What? Snow asked, confused

Suddenly, the king's gaze became more serious. Without warning, he grabbed the young troll who let out a scream of surprise and pulled him under the water with a splash, leaving Jaden alone on the beach. There was a moment of silence, the little green firefly stared at the spot where the two trolls had disappeared for a moment, his little wings fluttered gently behind his back.

- Oh, said the firespy, my best friend has been kidnapped ...

Another moment of silence, the wind was blowing between the branches of the trees around the bug ... until ..


He pressed a button on his gadget, finding himself equipped with a small respirator and threw himself into the water with a small "splash!"

In the water, Snow panicked, trying everything possible to get to the surface. He could see the blurry figure of Trollex swimming around him, his fluorescent lights glowing in the dark. He had almost made it back to the shore but felt Trollex grab his legs to pull him towards him ... his dearest wish at the moment was to breathe.

- Let go of me !! He screamed in panic, but all that came out of his mouth was bubbles.

Trollex put a finger to his blue lips, motioning for him to calm down. When Snow stopped moving, looking at him with panicked eyes, Trollex rested his muzzle on his forehead ... a few seconds later, the trollagon was taking a deep breath. It was only then that he noticed Jaden swimming towards them, shining like a lantern fish.

- KIDNAPPE ME TOOOOOO!!!! He says, throwing himself on the king's chest, I AM IMPORTANT, I AM ONE OF THE MAIN CHARACTER OF THIS STORY TOO !!!!!!

Trollex blinked again, confused. Snow shook his head, trying to figure out how he could breathe underwater instead:

- How did you do that ? He asked, a smile appeared on Trollex's face.

- Did you think that only pop trolls have trollagons powers? SeaJumper gave me the gift of the power of wish, I can make all the dearest wishes of us come true.

"SeaJumper is probably the name of his dragon form, like dad's name is Hairless when he's a NightFury" Snow guessed.

Snow knew his own power and used it for help his friends; the one of sharing. His father had explained everything to him what this power could do in detail, as if it were his own, even if the young troll knew perfectly well that the power of the king was rather the one of protection ... did he know anyone who have sharing power ?

Did he see someone else in his son?

- I'll take you to TechnoReef, Trollex told him, I'll explain everything there, hang on to me, we'll go faster! We must hurry !

Snow obeyed, what else could he do? He had a lot of questions in his head and finding out where the techno trolls lived seemed like fun. Trollex turned his worried gaze to the light above them:

- I hope she will be okay ...

And Snow knew who he was talking about.

- Let's go ! Trollex tells the young trollagon

Snow wrapped his arms around his new friend's neck. Jaden clung to Snow's hair at the last moment, 'cause he had to admit, Trollex would have left them behind without any problem, he was faster than them in the water.

* * *

Flapping with her tiny wings, Debbie tried to escape the trollagon who was chasing her, wanting to grab what she was holding between her paws. It was impressive that he saw what he was doing despite the tuft of fur he had in front of his eyes.

Soon another trollagon entered the room, confused as to what was going on. Seeing the little trollagon chasing her long-missing bat, she screamed:


He froze, watching his queen as Debbie came to rest between his two antennaes. Yet there was no fear in his eyes, it was empty, emotionless ... Just like those of the lilac troll who called her bat to watch what she was bringing them.

A tuft of dark blue hair, that of a pop troll.

A smile spread across her face… she took the tuft of hair between her fingers.

- After all this time, they answered ... she laughed softly,

"Help Us"

That's what she was going to do ...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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