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weight can be a sensitive topic to some wherever you might be overweight or underweight.

right now I'm in my teen years and I just use to hate my body so I went on google (my best friend🤠) and found some tips that made me feel good and I don't know how to explain. Fresher? Better about myself.

I use to always eat junk food and snack through out the day to the point where I felt sick and then eventually stopped eating and doing that I felt more sick so following these tips helped me and will hopefully help you and love you body!

1) you probably seen this one a lot but DRINK WATER THROUGHOUT THE DAY!!!! 🥛(wtf isn't there a glass of water emoji)
drinking water boosts skin health and beauty, it can help reduce sugar cravings and helps maintain headaches or migraines.

2) eating watermelon 🍉!
It relieves muscle soreness, improves hear health, contains compounds that may help reduce cancer, skin and hair benefits and may Lower Inflammation and Oxidative Stress

3) avoid stepping in the scale 💖
stepping in the scale always scared me but now I have learned the I should be having to live up to other people expectations I can just let how I feel guide me.

4) surround yourself with people who make you feel loved!👭👫
spend time with your friends. Go out have fun there never gonna judge you for how you look and if they do then welll fuck them ✌️

5) listen to music 🎵
listing to music make you feel happier, lowers stress levels and improves health, helps you sleep better and can reduce depression

6) masturbate 🐱
masturbating can relive stress, make you sleep better, relive cramps, boost your mood and makes you feel pleasure

7) look in the mirror and think about what you live about you body 💟
when I read this I though is was bullshit and I felt stupid doing it but I'm surprised because after doing it for about a month or two it just makes me feel good about my self

8) you need to appreciate what you body does for you 🎉🎊🥳
think about it you body is so beautiful and unique and different from everybody else's they may look the same on diagrams and the inside but not from the out

9) finally, you be kind to yourself ⛄️⛄️⛄️
yes you may have big thighs or you may have a boney legs but you don't need to hate them and make it seem like they are the ugliest thing you've laid eyes on. Observe them look at the positive
you body is different from other people and that's a beautiful thing


lmao I'm bored 🍰

next topic female hygiene 💖🍰

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