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Hello there and welcome!

If you haven't read the book "Trolls World Tour: Forever My Queen" in its entirety, then I would recommend doing that first before diving into this. Otherwise, you'll be very confused!

Although that book was primarily based on a dream I had, not all of it was 100% accurate. (Obviously)

I had come up with so many different ideas for this book, but I would always back down on them because they sounded stupid and/or cheesy. So, I changed them to what the story is now.

However, I really wanted to just write down the other ideas and alternate timelines that I had come up with and see what you guys think of them.

So this story is gonna be full of those ideas. In order to sort them out to different groups (timelines), at the beginning of each chapter, I'll specify which timeline the idea belongs to so it's less confusing.

For clarification, ALT = Alternate Timeline

There may also be some chapters that are dedicated to deleted scenes that would've been in the original book, but I either decided to get rid of them at the last second, or I came up with the idea after the chapter had been published.

Anyways, I hope you guys have fun reading what could've happened in this story. Maybe you'll like some of them and wish they were actually part of the original story. And for other ones...

You'll be glad I decided to change it. >:)


Forever My Queen: An Alternate RouteDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora