𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬 (𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐)

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The Wheeler Residence | Thur 11:11 PM
Mike Wheeler

White moonlight casted through the blinds of the window that was a couple inches away from Mike's bed. He laid there, half asleep and completely motionless, his body facing the ceiling. His quiet snores filled the room and were soon interrupted by the sound of his window lock snapping off.

When he heard the window sliding open he jumped out of sleep and sat up in his bed to see what was happening. His eyes flickered open and when his vision finally came to him, he saw someone climbing through his window. Mike was scared at first, but then noticed who the intruder was.

"Will? Why're you in my room?" He asked.

"Shhhhhh" Will said while walking closer to Mike and waving around his finger. "Sorry but I really had to wake you. See I decided I must ride you til I break you."

"That works for me." Mike said while laying back down with his hands above his head.

Will got on top of him and cradled his waist while pulling off Mike's shirt and then removing his own. He bent down and connected his and Mike's lips, causing the boy beneath him to moan and lift his head up to push them closer together. Once tongue got involved and they were literally swapping spit, Mike began unbuckling Will's belt as fast as he could. He pulled it off and threw it across the room. Will smiled and teased Mike by running his thumb underneath the band of Mike's shorts. There was a tightness in Mike's chest and he began to breathe hard with every action. It felt like all his dreams were coming true.

Turns out, the only true thing in this whole situation was the feeling in his groans because the yelling of his mother woke him up out of his rest. He was still laying on the couch but now his whole body was stretched across it and there was something poking up from underneath the covers, causing him to groan.

He lifted his shirt and used the bottom of it to wipe the little bit of drool from the side of his mouth. The covers smelled of pine wood trees, a familiar smell to Mike. He turned his head and saw a piece of paper on the coffee table with something written on it. He stretched his arm out and grabbed it. A smile formed on his face as he unfolded it and immediately recognized the handwriting.

After Holly talked my ears off, I went home and I didn't want to wake you so I wrote this note. Thanks for spending Halloween with me, I had fun :) PS. Give me back my blanket tomorrow please. Thanks.
                                               —Love, Will Byers

Mike had completely forgotten about his and Will's second almost kiss and when he remembered, he groaned even louder and rubbed the crust out the corner of his eyes.
Suddenly, he heard his mother scream again, causing him to stiffen. He finally got out of his position and went to go see what she was yelling about.

"Mom, you ok?" Mike asked while entering the living room with his hands in his pockets. He smiled when he saw his Mother scrunched up on his fathers arm and him laughing at her. They both had work that day but still made time to watch a scary movie together, like they did every year. He left the room and went up the stairs to his bedroom, peaking out of his window on time before going to lay down on his bed. After a couple minutes, he drifted off.


The bell rang and students began piling out of the classrooms, including Mike. While at his locker preparing for the next class, he heard the banging of a locker and turned around to see what was happening. Mike saw Troy grabbing Will and smashing him repeatedly against the lockers aggressively. Mike wasn't about to let Will get bullied again, and charged over there to confront Troy.

"Leave him alone!" Mike yelled while pushing Troy off of Will. He received judgmental stares from the bystanders but didn't care, all he cared about was protecting Will from the abuse he was constantly subjected to. Troy scoffed at Mike's request and pushed Will one last time before walking away, which was a big mistake.

Mike balled his fist and clenched his teeth, desperately trying to control himself since people were already staring at him. When he glanced down at the small boy in front of him who had tears in his eyes, he couldn't help but follow Troy to wherever he was going. Mike wanted to ensure that Troy would never lay a finger on Will again.

Troy tried to escape Mike's wrath but to no avail as they ended up in the locker room. Mike's face was a maroon color and his eyebrows were furrowed, anger beginning to consume him as he thought about what he was about to do. Troy turned around and felt somewhat intimidated by the raven-hair's expression.

"Leave me alone Mike!" He pleaded.

"Hell no! You need to apologize to Will for all the shit you put him through! I'm tired of you always taking out your own insecurities and toxic masculinity out on him f-for example, you're always calling him gay all the time! Cut that shit out! Last time I checked, you've never even had a girlfrien—"

He was expecting to get punched, maybe even slapped, but instead, Troy grabbed the back of his head and crashed their lips together. It was a kiss full of anger and hurt, but also one of new beginnings and confirmation. Their sudden embrace consisted of Troy roughly moving his head around and Mike motionless, as if he was frozen in time. After a couple of seconds, Troy pulled away and looked at Mike's reaction. Mike's eyes were widened and his hands were unclenched and dangling by his sides. He was stuck in a daze of confusion and mixed feelings. It was his first kiss and it didn't feel bad, just not right.

Troy felt terrible. In his eyes, he just kissed a straight guy and everyone would find out and endlessly bully him all over again. He believed that Mike wouldn't do what Patrick did to him, but his expression made it hard for Troy to tell what he was thinking and what he would do. He didn't have a disgusted look, but it also didn't seem like he enjoyed it that much.

Mike's mouth began to move, and before he could say a word, Troy bolted out of there. Mike watched in silence and struggled to get his legs to move. He resorted to sitting on one of the bleachers in the locker room and staring at his feet. He ignored the bell and continued to collect his thoughts, forgetting about how he did this for Will and instead thinking about how he might like a boy...

...named Troy.

To be continued...

Soooo this felt SUPER short but a lot happened so hopefully it's ok. Feel free to tell me your thoughts! (I'm curious)
— Vaeh Joi

[7/12/20 | 1204 words]

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