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Hawkins High | Tue 8:06 AM
Mike Wheeler

Mike hadn't been having the best two weeks. He lost his best friend and his main friend group was split up. All he had was Lucas and a messed up face, which he got for actually telling Will how he felt. Will tried to apologize when he went to go get his bike, but Mike was still very heart broken and not in the mood to hear whatever he had to say. So he closed the door in his face like his name was Steve Harrington.

Mike also hadn't been able to focus on anything else but the fight. He just couldn't understand why Will did it, he was sure Will liked him too and would appreciate the honesty. Then he thought Maybe it was because of Troy? But even that didn't make sense seeing as he broke things off with Troy so that he could be with Will, or more like Troy broke things off with him but same difference.

While he continued pondering those thoughts in his head, he looked out the window and noticed that they arrived at school, which brought up the question, Is Will coming to school today? Mike didn't see him at all yesterday, which was weird because their lockers were across the hall from each other. Maybe Will was just good at hiding in plain sight.

He stepped out of the car and was instantly met with stares from everyone outside. He didn't think too much of it at first, since he's popular and all, but the whisperings made it seem like that wasn't the case. As soon as he made eye contact with Lucas, the dark-skinned boy ran up to him and pulled him to the side.

"I know you like guys, but why him?" Lucas blurted out when they were out of earshot. So many more questions were brought up in his mind like Lucas is ok with the fact that I like guys? He never seemed like the type to be that open-minded.

"What are you talking about?" Was the question Mike settled with.

Lucas quickly pulled out a picture from his pocket and showed him. It took Mike a moment to realize the contents of the picture, since the quality was laughably bad.

Mike's face burned a bright red and his eyes widened in shock and embarrassment. He skittishly looked around while asking, "Everyone has one of these?" and Lucas didn't need to answer for him to know they did.

While looking around, he caught a glimpse of Troy looking just as confused as he did a couple seconds ago. Even though he hadn't talk to Troy since the second kiss, he felt the need to catch him up on the situation. Mike ran to where he was walking and led him back to the side, where Lucas still was.

"What Mike? The Bells about to ring—"

"Everyone knows. About the kiss."

Troy looked away for a second, his eyes landing directly on the picture in Lucas' hands. His jaw dropped and he whispered to himself, "Oh shit."

Mike watched his expression as it turned from one of shock, to one of worry, to one of fear. Even though they weren't on speaking terms, Troy was still his first kiss and he wanted to be there for him.

"It's gonna be ok—" Mike said while trying to hold Troy's hand but being quickly slapped away.

"Don't. Fucking. Touch. Me." Troy said, sounding choked up at the end. He clenched his fists and stormed away, receiving hundreds of disgusted looks and homophobic comments. Mike still stood next to Lucas, dumbfounded by the fact that he had just been outed.

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