Chapter 17

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Sebastian's pov

'So you mean to say Marcus is back?!' alpha Caleb asked me in a worried voice. 'Yes he is and as I explained to you before he is looking for revenge.'i replied.

Alpha Caleb was a little bit confused and said,'Do you think joining forces would work?' he asked me. 'Yes I do, if everything goes as planned then he will be gone. I know that guy too well, he is an idiot.' I said to alpha Caleb.

'He is a mutual enemy sir. I don't think involving other packs would work. If we both came together, that much is enough.' I said to him.

'You seem like an intelligent alpha.' He said in an amused tone. 'Let's do this together' he said and brought his hand forward and I shook it. We drew up a contract where we would be joining our pack forces together and becoming each other's allies until Marcus was dead on the grounds of him being a mutual enemy.

'So we will keep each other regularly updated and start training.' alpha Caleb and I nodded. 'Any suspicious activity and immediate reporting. Whichever pack attacked first reports.' I said to him.

We both walked out of the office  and he suddenly said, 'Thank you for saving bella today. Sorry for my reaction earlier. Its just that bella being my daughter, I am super protective of her, can't bear to even see a scratch on her face. Because of this mostly her mom has trained her, as I love to spoil my princess.' He said his voice softening. I never knew that underneath that harsh exterior alpha Caleb was so soft but then again, that is the truth about every alpha.

'Luna Aurora has trained quite well. I saw her fighting.' I replied. 'Yeah, my mate is like that.' He said smiling. 'I had offered bella the alpha position once but she rejected it saying her brother who aldready had a wife and kids should have it. She is really a selfless girl.' He said.

I couldn't agree more. The way she had helped my pack as well.

After a while alpha Caleb was taking his leave. I went upto the pack entrance to see them off. 

I saw Bella looking at me. This time she had a diffrent expression in her eyes like she wanted to say something  but I brushed it off. My own mind was playing games with me trying to be hopeful again. They sat in their and left for their pack.

Later I went into my office and discussed the planning and training strategies with my beta John. It took a lot of time and by the time we were finished it was aldready time for dinner.

'John, can you please have my dinner sent upto my room?' I asked him and he nodded.

'Sebastian, can I ask you something if you don't mind.' He said. 'Sure John, go ahead.'

'Usually when it comes to alpha's, they are quite aggressive when it comes to their mates, some are not even willing to spend a day without them and even after that if their mates leave then they make her life a living hell. They don't contact them again and only look after their packs. I mean don't get me wrong but you really surprised me today when you signed that contract with her pack.' He said.

I sighed and smiled. I got up and looked at the moon shining high up in the sky. 'I want her to be happy John. That's all. If I wanted then right now there would be my child playing in her arms because she had accepted me as her mate and that much actually should have been enough for me, for any alpha. But I knew she would be doing all of it rather unwillingly and that was not okay with me. I love her.' I said and I could feel a tear in my eye. I quickly wiped it away.

'If the feeling of love are so intense, why let her go? Mate means the one destined right? ' he asked me. 'Because sometimes love means letting go.' I said to him. John was my best friend and I really felt like putting my heart out today. Seeing her was just too much for me.

I sat down and closed my eyes. 'Seb?' John asked me. 'It's nothing John. It all just feels like my own fate playing a cruel joke on me. It not meant to be, why was love even written in my fate? Why should I always be the one paying for my micah's mistakes? Why can't I have a proper life? A mate, kids, all that.' I had tears in my eyes and still chuckled.

'Sometimes while even trying my best I feel like a failure. An empty feeling comes in my mind refusing to go away. My love didn't love me back. Destiny in itself is a joke. This whole mate thing is. Why?!' I said.

'Seb.' John said coming upto me  and out a hand on my shoulder. 'It's okay John, you asked me why I signed the contract right? Well because I know that if Marcus attacks her pack then I want to be there for her. The day I met her I promised myself that no matter what happens I will love this women, I will protect her, I will support her, through everything, no matter what. I will continue that for the rest of my life, loving her, from a distance.'

John came upto me and hugged me.

'It became too sentimental in here.' I said laughing. 'BUT seb..' He said. 'It's okay John, it's a never ending story. Go have dinner. Arriana must be waiting for you.' I said to him.

He nodded and patted my shoulder and left. I felt a little better after talking with John. He had seen me at my worst and knew me quite well. By talking with him about my bottled up emotions, I felt a little weight lifted from my shoulder. I closed all my files. Now Marcus was my main goal. I will not stop till he is dead.

I went into my room and took a shower. When i came out I saw that dinner was aldready served on the table. I sat on the chair and kept a picture of Bella beside me like I usually did. 'It's grilled chicken tonight. It's good but not as good as the one you had once made.' I said to the picture and smiled. I had my dinner, did a little more work.

While going to sleep I took her scarf once again and held it near me, I looked at her picture which I kept on the nightstand. 'Good night Bella. Don't worry about anything. Everything will be alright. I sm right here.' I said.

'Sure we are.' my wolf said. I went off to sleep to see her once again in my dreams.

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