Chapter 29

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Third person's pov

Sebastian went into Bella's hospital room and looked at her. Unsure of what to do he just stood there. There was no one else in the room. Rose looked up when she saw him in the room.

He took cautious steps towards her and went to sit on the stool by her bedside. 'You said you wanted to meet me?' he asked in a low voice.

'You must hate me right?' she suddenly asked him. 'No, that's not the case, Bella...' he started saying.

'No, I know that is the case. After everything you went through because of me, I deserve it. I do.' she said looking at him with tears in her eyes.

'Bella, please don't think like that.' he said in a comforting tone. He didn't know how to respond but he was sure about one thing, he could never hate her even if he tried to and he was never going to try.

'Sebastian I have been one of the worst mates ever. You were always known as a ruthless alpha . That person that went ahead and  established it's pack back on its feet in a short period of time. I stereotyped you. I thought that you.... You were this monster, this person I should stay away from.

But the mistake I did was that I judged you too fast without even giving it a second thought. Ever since I came here all you have ever done was shower me with love and affection, give me respect, give me space. You... You loved me, unconditionally. Even after the way I treated you, you still never lost your temper and stayed, helped.

If there was any other alpha in your place, he would have never given his mate's feelings a second thought and would have never been patient but you didn't even come near me without my permission. And I.....I thought you were doing all that just as an act but you were not, you wanted me to be happy, with you, truly happy. I don't even know when did I get so lucky to have someone like you as my mate.

You even let me go because you wanted me to be comfortable. At that moment I thought I might be making a mistake but the minute I was in danger you came to rescue me and still took care of me, even when I left, I understood then that I had made a huge mistake.

When Marcus took me without any objections you just came there to help me. You even signed a treaty with my pack and came to help us, all of this just because I was your mate.' she said and started crying. Sebastian also had tears in his eyes but didn't know what to say and just sat there.

She slowly extended her hands and held his.

'After I came back into the pack, Andrea told me that you always said that you thought you didn't deserve my love but you are wrong, all along it was me who didn't deserve your love.' she said.

'When I saw you getting attacked I thought you were going to......going to die. For a man who loved me so unconditionally, in such a pure way, to whom I had been bad. I realize now how much I have hurt your feelings. I only judged you, never even considered your feeling while all along you just kept helping me. A life without you was not worth living. No matter where you were, with me or away from me.

I have realised that because of the way I have acted I have hurt you a lot but..................I just wanted to say one thing to you..

I LOVE YOU, SEBASTIEN, I LOVE A LOT.' she said and broke down.

'And I will not be sad if you say you don't want me anymore but Sebastien, please give me chance, please love me again.' she said in between sobs and wiping her tears whole her other hand was holding his.

Sebastien was looking like a statue. He did not react at all even if his eyes still had a few teardrops. Finally he sighed and looked at Bella who was looking at him hopefully.

'No, I will not love you again.' he said firmly and all the colour drained from Bella's face. She withdrew her hand away from his and felt like crying out loud. She was such a fool to think that he will give her another chance. She lost her chance with him already. Somehow she composed herself and said,'Its okay Sebastien, I understand'

He slowly extended his hand towards hers and held it. 'I will not love you again because I never stopped loving you.' he whispered and she looked at him surprised.

He had a little smile on his face. 'Ever since I laid my eyes on you, I was waiting for the day you would come and say this to me. I love you Bella but whatever happened in between this entire time period makes it hard for me now to believe that you really want to stay with me because deep down inside I accepted that I will never have my mate's love.' he said.

'Sebastian, I will do whatever it takes, seriously to make you believe.' she said.

'Actuslly speaking, you don't have to do anything. We will take it slow, like turtle speed slow. With just one promise, to stay with each other no matter what. You don't have to do anything, just love me and that's it. At the end of the day the biggest relief for me will be that you......believe in me,my mate.' he said rubbing his fingers lovingly against her cheeks.

'We will work this out, let's leave behind the past.' he said to her and she smiled.

'Can I ask you something that I have been wanting to, every single day?' he asked and she nodded curiously.

'Can I kiss you?' he asked her. 'You don't have to ask, ever. I have been waiting for this.' she said chickling and that was enough for him.

He leaned forward and their lips met. The kiss was a passionate one but yet slow and soft. He wrapped a hand around her waist and cupped a face while she tightly warpped hers around his shoulder. In no time they were making out.

When they broke apart Sebastien lovingly caressed her face. 'I love you.' Bella whispered. 'I love you too.' he said.

'Come on sir beside me.' she said patting on her bed. 'Is that even allowed?' he asked.

'I am completely healed now and just resting. Come on. I want you near me.' she said. That was all it took for him to take off his shoes and go on and cuddle with her on the bed.

She was laying her head on his chest whole he was playing with her hair. 'The whole world thinks of me as a ruthless monster child. Actually I don't blame you.' he said quietly.

'They don't. Not anymore and I was way too judgemental regarding you. I was at fault.' she said.

'Its not your fault or mine. It was just the time and destiny playing its role. But sometimes Bella I think, what if we fight, which we will definitely as a couple and you think of me the wrong way and leave?' he said.

'I won't. I will never. No matter what you say or do. I know you. I believe in you, my mate." She said and Sebastien smiled and kissed the top of her head.

His wolf was jumping inside him. 'But I am taking it slow.' he said to his wolf. 'I know' his wolf replied back.

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