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Birdsong always sounded the most beautiful when it was the sound you woke up to. A chorus of melodious keens growing into watery warbles marked the beginning of spring, welcoming the blooming of flowers and new life. Farmers looked forward to the symphony because it meant they would soon be getting their hands dirty once again, turning mulch and soil and staining their brows in sweat for their life's purpose.

For Hanae, the song meant she had overslept.

The redhead peeked her eyes open slowly, enjoying the warmth the blankets bunched up around her nose awarded her for just a moment longer. "Oh no," she groaned tiredly, pulling at the white sheets and moving her legs until they finally slid off of her torso. She wished for a moment longer to spend under the cotton cocoon, but she had already overslept, and there was work that had to be done.


That voice. It sounded so happy to say her name. So familiar and warm, chocolatey in its deepness. Warm, yet rough in a way. But loving nonetheless.

"How did you rest? You've been asleep for so long I thought you wouldn't wake up."

White hair, strands that went every which way like they had a mind of their own. A charcoal gaze that swallowed everything it caught. Gentle hands reaching for hers, broad shoulders flexing with strength.

"Let me help you up. Your legs must be tired."

Hanae allowed him to take her hands, sliding her legs over the side of the bed. Her foot met the cold hardwood below. The sensation sent tingles up her feet, carrying up her legs in a relaxing way. She took a moment to ground herself and plant her feet safely before they worked to lift her heavy body in a slow smooth motion. A large hand drifted down her forearm, grasping her elbow tenderly until she stretched to full height and found enough strength in her limbs to stand steadily.

"Thank you, father-in-law."

Sakumo Hatake chuckled as he released her hand. "You don't need to be so formal, Hanae-chan. I know it's hard carrying a child, this is the least I could do for you." He continued to support her elbow as he followed her to the wardrobe, leaving the sheets tossed messily over the bed.

As a child she had always made fun of the way her mother waddled when pregnant with Tatsui - now seven months along herself she could feel nothing but respect for the matriarch of her branch of the Umu clan. The hand not supported by the silver haired man rested below her engorged stomach, bunching her night dress where she held it. "I'm never doing this again." Both could tell it was an obvious lie. Hanae hadn't stopped smiling since she found out and both Hatake men had been showing an expression much the same. "What time is it, Sakumo-san?"

"Time to wake up."

Hanae turned to the patriarch perplexed, wondering if the voice she had heard was really his. "I'm sorry?" She quizzed, hands stilling on the flowing yellow dress she had set her eyes on moments before.

His smile was as warm as she remembered. "It's nearly eight in the morning. You're excited for him to come back, aren't you?" He nodded towards the dress still in her hands, "I know you only wear that for special occasions."

"Ah." The woman hummed in embarrassment, caressing the silken cloth and letting it run through her fingers. "Yes, I am a bit excited. I always worry when he's gone for so long. So does this one." Hanae motioned to her abdomen. Both watched the small motions taking place under her skin, mother and child both sharing in excitement. The movement used to hurt or feel entirely uncomfortable when they first began but she had learned to accept them now - no, cherish them. They were so strong and only made her feel stronger.

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