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[It is so hard finding a way to end a story in a way that you're happy with. Thank you to everyone who joined me on my writing journey and enjoyed what I created. Look forward to the sequel starting in a few days!]


There she was again, floating through rows and displays of produce and herbs seemingly without a care in the world.

Kakashi watched the graceful flow of her yellow dress through the shop's large window. He tried to focus on the effortless way she carried out business but instead found his eyes drawn to the bright smile that always graced her features. This had become their routine ; everyday the pair would leave their home, him not allowed to leave until she could steal at least three kisses before they parted ways. Kakashi would spend most of his days in the Hokgae's office, attending to duties while managing to shirk full ownership of the position and maintaining the title of Hokage-in-name-only. He would dodge Tsunade's pestering with an aloof nature only he could make endearing, ducking out at the day's end and finding his way back home at a pace not nearly fast enough for the jounin. But he would not go inside immediately.

No, instead Kakashi would allow himself to loiter outside, leaning against the building across the street and enjoying the sight of Hanae living through the same day so beautifully yet so joyfully. She never saw him when he did this, always distracted by one thing or another - organizing stock, helping a customer, entertaining a conversation with whomever found themselves enticed with her charming personality. He knew the feeling all too well. It was that charm that had drawn him in, that intoxicating joie de vivre that kept him coming back, that something that he had been missing for so long embodied so perfectly into the woman he came home to everyday. It was almost overwhelming, really, having a happy ending and something to look forward to everyday. So Kakashi gave himself time to admire and prepare before joining Hanae every night.

Kakashi had been a bit surprised with how many people Hanae had become close to. Well, surprised was a strong word. In fact, it was more the different people who she had become close to that intrigued him. 

Naruto and Sakura were a given - when Kakashi's former students had learned that their sensei had gotten into a relationship they wouldn't let him live it down for at least a week. They grilled him for information, Sakura viewing the union in a much more romantic light than Naruto's bewildered stance, but both were more curious on how he could keep the secret for so long without them even having an inkling.

"I wasn't hiding it from you," he explained with a shrug. "You just never asked."

So on the days when Kakashi came home to find either teenager joining them for dinner he couldn't help but grin, knowing his evening was going to be spent with Hanae's colorful explanations and doting sweet enough to make the guests not want to leave.

Other times he would be greeted by people he was not quite expecting. Sai had left Hanae quite the endearing gift during her time in a coma. The calligraphic painting of Hikoboshi mounted by a samurai was displayed in the shop portion of the building next to her trusted suit of armor. The pale anbu had become quite the acquaintance of the retired samurai, Hanae unknowingly acting as the mother figure he'd never had.

Shikamaru Nara would pop in every once in a while to supply Hanae with deer velvet - he had offered her express permission to enter the Nara clan forest, noting that she, like his clan, were in much the same business of medicines and cures. She refused of course, the idea of a sacred forest being too romantic for her to intrude upon. It didn't keep her from greeting the deer that lingered on the edge of the property, coming close enough to offer them a few pats on the way to her farm.

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