chapter 16

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sid took me inside the office. I request him to take me to the boss cabin.

Rishab’s provoke:
She always get on my nervous. I don’t know what to do with her.( He rotate his seat towards the glasses and saw that she was standing with one of his employee ). So this is the reason she came late here. She was enjoying with her new friend. She doesn’t even care that I was waiting for her.
Wait what I said… waiting for her… come on Rishab…. Again…..

He give a fling punched on the wall.

Yashika walk towards the rishab’s cabin. She entered.

Rishab: don’t you have any manners that when you entered in others room or cabin, you should knock. Don’t you?

Yashika: oh now again you are creating scene. Please Rishab stop behaving like this.

Rishab: so what? Go out and knock. Then come inside. You unmannered lady.

Yashika: yooouuuu…..

As she turn to go out she struck with the stool and fall down.

All papers were scattered.

Rishab: what you did yashika. Oh my god these are the papers for tomorrows meeting and you scattered it. All files get merged man.

Yashika: (that’s happen because of you )*said in a low tone.

Rishab: what you said? Come on get up and your todays work is… to separate these files and  submit before todays meeting or you will going to clean my office floor of each floor.

Yashika: are you mad. How can I able to separate that much files alone.

Rishab: if you create this mess, then only you will suffer and complete it.

Yashika: you spoil brat.

Rishab: what?...... do you really want me to give you job to clean my offices floor. Don’t u?

Yashika: sorry … I don’t obviously.

Rishab: better,  now go on and start working.

Yashika: okay.. but where is my cabin.

Rishab: oh madam wants her own cabin. First work hard to achieve good position  then you will get it. 

He called one of his office girl.

Haya: yes sir, you called me?

Rishab: yeah Haya, this is yashika. Take her to the GENERAL WORKER CORNER and alot her seat.

Haya: okay sir. Yashika kindly follow me.

Yashika: so you work here.

Haya: yes.

Yashika: nice to meet you.

Haya: same with me.

Yashika: what is general worker corner?

Haya: it’s a 1 st stage when new workers join our company we give then this floor and who don’t work well or perform well in this company. Company will shift them to this corner.

Yashika:  okay. Thanks for telling me.

Haya: my pleasure.

Haya: so we finally reached here. See…

Yashika: its beautiful.. not bad … interior is quite good.

Haya: this floor is nothing compared to the other floors and department. When you will be get promoted on higher positions you will see many amazing things.

Yashika: I am excited.
Haya: okay that’s really nice. So take your seat and start your work. Wish you a good luck , hope you will   achieve many things in your life.

Yashika: thanks and hope same with you.
Haya smiled.
Haya: okay bye. Meet you later.
Yashika: okay take care.
Haya: you too.


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