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Estella Clearwater smiled as she allowed her auntie to pull her beneath the cover of the doorway and out of the fading evening night. It had been a long week for Estella, but she had survived and she was once told- By Billy Black in fact- that each week of struggling that passes becomes easier and easier until you have the semblance of 'okay' again. And Estella wanted nothing so much as to be okay again.

"Eww, Honeybee, you're all wet. Did you walk here?" Sue frowned, pulling back to look into the warm eyes of the girl in front of her. Estella merely smiled as she shrugged out of her raincoat, revealing her long hair that danced down around her body. She wore a jumper dress and tights, making Sue smile- Estella had always naturally been that way inclined, favouring girly things and dresses, something that Sue herself had attempted to urge Leah towards though she accepted now that Leah wasn't that sort of girl and that was okay. "Take your boots off too, love" Sue ushered down to Estella's feet and she looked down at her ankle-length wellington boots.

Estella stepped easily out of them, using her aunties extended arms for support, revealing her thick socks. And when she looked back up at Sue, she only received a warm, welcoming smile. It was unparalleled, the shift that could occur when one was in a company after a long time alone. And Estella couldn't help the unconscious smile that peeled back on her lips as she stepped into the familiar kitchen, eyes instantly catching on Harry who sat reading a newspaper at the table.

"There's our little Honeybee," he grinned and pulled himself somewhat ungracefully to stand and round the table, as he did, she met him halfway and pulled him into a hug. "I am so glad you're home, Little Star." that happened to be her second nickname, given to her by her father though only he ever really used it. He and Harry. The sound of the nickname on Harry's voice- the voice so similar to her own fathers almost had her crying. But she was determined to never do so in civilised company, not anymore.

"I'm so glad to be home, Uncle Harry. Aunt Liz is incredible, and the warmth was nice but..." she frowned as she pulled back, considering her words and he grinned slightly, warmly.

"But nothing beats home," he concluded for her and she couldn't help but laugh warmly along with him. That was exactly it... Nothing beats home. Even after a long holiday, you inevitably long for home. "How is my little sister?"

"... She's okay," she decided, knowing that to say she was 'good' would be incorrect. None of them was 'good', they were all still in pain every day, they were all still grieving but it just got a little easier to do that on the inside now. Harry seemed to nod in understanding, it was, after all, a very familiar feeling to him. "Can I help you with anything?" she tried, joining Sue's side at the stove. She had come down the hill for a dinner with them, the first official one since returning home and it felt so wonderful to do so.

"There is nothing more to do Darling, this meal is for you regardless. Go ahead and take a seat with the others," Sue smiled, touching her cheek gently once and Estella smiled as she turned away to face the archway leading to the living room. That was when she noticed the man leaning against the wall inside the family room, arms crossed as he watched whatever was unfolding within with a strangely serious expression. He glanced up so suddenly, as though someone had called his name and looked over at Harry for the briefest of moments, catching his nod before his eyes trailed up to send Estella a welcoming smile. In the heart of that strange exchange; Estella did not even notice as Harry's eyes followed her as she entered the small room, her sock covered feet making no noise as she progressed.

"Stella," Seth cheered in excitement though didn't turn to her from where he was sat on the faded couch, eyes pinned directly forward with a controller in his hands.

"You've got here just in time to see me kick Seth's ass, El," Leah cheered, entire body moving with the controller as if that would somehow increase the speed of the cartoon car she was controlling on-screen, body leaning to the side as it turned a corner and Seth's brow creased in concentration as he attempted to keep up.

"Hello everyone," she laughed softly, flattening her hands across the back of her thighs as she sat, perching on the edge of the couch beside where Sam leaned with a calculating stare. "How are we all?"

"Shh!" Leah persisted and Estella rolled her eyes, laughing gently as she leant back further into the faded seat, head-turning to look upwards at Sam. As she did, she found him already looking at her and he smiled as he rounded her to sit beside her.

"They've been at it for hours on repeat." He informed lowly.

"You're just jealous Babe because you got booted out first round," Leah teased, smirking at him for the shortest possible second before her eyes were glued on the screen again and he chuckled, running his hands up and down his thighs once. It was then that Estella noticed the jeans he wore and it was vaguely disconcerting to see him wearing something other than shorts.

Of course, she said nothing as she crossed her ankles calmly and watched the cars on screen, fading out Sam and Leah laughing and jesting with one another like an old married couple. They were very clearly in love and Estella inwardly kicked herself when she discovered that it didn't fill her with as much happiness as it should have. Perhaps, she was merely jealous- that's what she told herself. She was jealous because Sam and Leah were settling down and getting married, considering houses and Estella was no closer to the dream she had always had. Leah had always wanted to travel the world, never seeming satisfied with La Push life- until now when the roles so painfully reversed.

Estella had been the one to leave, to go away for six months, and Leah stayed and got her life together. The orphaned cousin put that down to having been looking too hard, but even if she found love now- would she be ready for it? Given everything that happened? She had so many questions and so few answers. However, when she looked up at Harry Clearwater at the dining room table a few feet away- he smiled, the kind of smile that told her he knew everything, things that she didn't even know yet. It told her that everything was going to be okay. Somehow, Harry knew but she didn't question it- she trusted the sincerity in those brown eyes and it lightened her heart.

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