4: What Apocalypse? - #WhatApocalypse - DystopianApocalypse

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Northspeak is not an easy language to learn, more effort than most people want to put in. After all, it's not like there are many opportunities to use it, since travel between the Two Worlds is forbidden. Unlike most Southworlders, I want to travel to Northworld.

It's the only place left to go.

Northspeak is an elective and not exactly a popular one, which is why I'm surprised to see Nick Westerman join the class.

I mean he's such a Southworlder, stereo-typical in every way, from his blond hair and jock build to the slightly vacant expression in his blue eyes. He's one of these people who can afford to be oblivious, who make their way through life without ever actually having to do anything. Southworlders stick to themselves, not just because there's nowhere else to go, but because they believe Southworld is the best place to be. There's no way Nick Westerman is interested in Northworld, so why is he here?

He looks around the small classroom and rubs his hand through a head of cropped hair, like he's unsure why he's here himself. Nobody ever joins Northspeak half-way through term, and I'm curious.

"You can sit here," I tell him, indicating the free seat beside me.

He hesitates, looking at me like he's never seen me before, but he's one of those kids who doesn't need to make the effort to remember anyone because everyone knows who he is.

"Riordan," I say as he edges himself into the seat beside me.

"Right, yeah, Riordan, I've seen you around." He holds out his hand. "I'm Nick Westerman."

He's the type who shakes hands, but not the type who does Northspeak.

Kelly, the teacher, comes in, late as usual, like he can't be bothered making an effort because he knows most of his class of fifteen students don't care anyway.

"Oh!" Kelly's face lights up at the novelty of a face he hasn't seen before. "I see we have someone new today. Class, please welcome Nick Westerman, the Southworld Special Envoy's son."

What? I stare at him open-mouthed. I had no idea the new Southworld Special Envoy was Nick Westerman's mother. Ria Mansion's appointment has made headlines all over Southworld and is widely viewed as a promising development that could lead to a thaw in the tense relations between the Two Worlds. They blame us for the Apocalypse and we blame them.

The Sunnybeach news has been having a field day. Not only is Ria Mansion the first Special Envoy in five years, she is also the first woman and the first one ever from Sunnybeach.

"Your mother must be very pleased," Kelly gushes. "It's a huge honour. We are all so proud of her."

Suddenly it all makes sense. This is why Nick Westerman has joined the class. He's going to Northworld with his mother and he needs to grasp the rudimentariness of Northspeak before he leaves. It's so unfair. This is my dream, so why does he get to go and why do I have to stay?

"Thank you, sir," Nick replies, but his smile doesn't reach his eyes, and that's when it hits me. He doesn't want to go. At all.

"Riordan!" Kelly calls out. "Have you your presentation ready?"

"Yes sir!" Of course I'm ready. I'm the only one who ever does a proper presentation, the only one who takes Northspeak seriously, the only one who actually cares.

Grabbing my materials, I scurry to the front of the class with less than my usual poise. The students shift impatiently as I make my preparations. Still, I know they would rather listen to me than wrestle with the caged letters of the Northworld alphabet, so I try not to let them fluster me as I check my slides and get ready to begin.

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