That Butler, A Colleague

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"Now I'll give ye a quick tour. Come with me," Joker told the three of them, once the rest of the troupe had finished greeting them, and they had returned to going about their business as usual. "First, these are the tents ye'll be sleeping in," he said as he led them around the camp. "This is where the so called 'second-string members'–– the stagehands, newcomers, and the like––live. There's usually two or three to a tent," he explained as he showed them the inside of one the second-string tents. Chêne didn't think it was too bad since she used to be a girl scout, and they had bunk beds, which was kind of fun... But Ciel grimaced slightly. He was not looking forward to being crammed together in a small tent like that, especially with this stupid couple of newly weds... Sebastian's only real complaint would be that the beds were a little too narrow...


"And that there's the dining tent and the tent that serves as our larder," Joker said as he pointed across the way. "It's up to ye new folks to cook up the meals too, so give it your best!" he told them encouragingly, grinning, as he continued to lead them on.


"The tent all the way at the back is this first aid tent. That one," Joker told Ciel, pointing it out. Sebastian and Chêne already knew this from their visit there the night before. "And..." he said slowly, coming to a stop when they reached a beaded rope that was strung up to block out a smaller section of tents. "... From 'ere on back are the private tents of the main cast," Sebastian narrowed his eyes slightly as he scanned the area within view.

"Private tents?" Ciel asked, furrowing his brow ever so slightly.

"Well... Once ye hit it big, ye get a place to yourself," Joker clarified for him. "Oh, 'n' one more thing... that's Snake's tent , so ye should stay away for your own good. There are a great many poisonous snakes roaming free, so one bite, and off ye go to the other side," he warned them.

"What species of snakes does he have?" Chêne asked curiously. It might be good to see if she could get some anti-venom prepared, just in case... It was a shame Lacey wasn't there, because she could have probably told them what they were with just one look, being such a snake lover.

"I'm not sure, but Snake and his slithery friends are still veeery shy––So newcomers especially should stay sharp 'round these parts," Joker explained, smiling. It seemed Cat was a good name for her, after all, because she was curious like one. "Right then! Moving onnn..." he said playfully, leading them away from the first-string tents, and on to the next destination. "By the way... what's become of your right eye, Smile?" Joker asked curiously, not meaning any harm.

"Eh!?" Ciel said, so taken aback by the question, that his heart nearly skipped a beat. He wasn't used to people asking him about that, since most people were either too polite, or just didn't care. "Ah... this... there was an accident..." Ciel said lamely, trying to think up a believable excuse.

"How sad... for someone so little to have had such misfortune befall him," Joker said sympathetically as he gently touched Ciel's face with his skeletal hand. However, that sad look of understanding in his eyes was quickly replaced by an encouraging smile as Joker patted him affectionately on the head.

"??" Ciel said, puzzled by Joker's empathy. For a would-be-kidnapper, this man was rather similar to Chêne... "Right..."

"..." Sebastian and Chêne said as they watched, each having mixed feelings on the matter. Chêne really hoped Joker and the others weren't behind this, because she was starting to like them a lot... They seemed like good people.

"Well... Everyone 'ere's got their own issues, so ye'll get along just fiiiine!"Joker told him, smiling encouragingly, as he clapped Ciel on the shoulder. "Right~!?"

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