Chapter 3

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The following evening, Cassia found herself standing in the entrance to The Silver Star, scanning the crowd for her date. She was running late because she'd spent so long choosing an outfit. She'd needed something that suggested a confidence she wasn't feeling, but nothing that looked too good. She didn't want to give her man the message that she was absolutely up for a relationship. She just wanted him to know that...well, she wasn't sure.

Part of her had been tempted to wear a bin bag and frighten him away, but an older part of her was reluctant to sabotage the evening. What if it actually was love at first sight? It would be just her luck if she decided to blow it.

In the end, she'd chosen the one thing everyone agreed could never go wrong: a little black dress. It showed off her legs but kept the rest of her modest with a high neckline and loose bodice. Nothing about it suggested that she'd followed Gem's advice and put condoms in her bag.

They weren't new -- just a handful that she'd accidentally packed in her luggage when she'd left Miles. Bringing them tonight had only seemed like a good idea when she'd noticed their expiry dates. Now that she was standing in the pub, she knew she wouldn't use them. Not even if her date turned out to be a Greek god. She wasn't comfortable with one-night stands.

Electric music was playing, but it was a Tuesday night and the atmosphere was reasonably calm. Everyone was shouting, but no one was dancing. They just moved back and forth between their tables and the circular bar in the centre of the room. Two humans and two robots stood behind it, serving neon drinks. Even at this distance, Cassia could smell the booze and the tangy fruits they balanced on the glasses.

She caught sight of Gem sitting near the back of the room, her hair dyed sea blue. Lucien the artist was sitting opposite her, and Cassia could see a long, tousled mane and a shirt covered in paint splatter. She didn't know if it was a fashion statement or if he'd come straight from creating a masterpiece, but he rocked his quirkiness just like Gem did.

Her own date was sitting with his back to her. His hair was short and dark. He was wearing a suit.

Gem stood up when Cassia reached them. She kissed her on both cheeks, a chic greeting she'd never given before. "Cassia! I'm so glad you're here. This is Lucien...and Henry! Ta-da!"

Henry turned in his seat, and Cassia had to fight the urge to duck her head. He looked alarmed at her friend's energy. It was not a good start.

She slid into the chair opposite him and tried her best not to appear flustered. Her last date had been ten years ago, and she'd ended up marrying -- and then divorcing -- the man. Henry looked like exactly the same story. His face was sculpted, and his skin was smooth and clean-shaven. He was handsome. Steady. Sensible. Just like Miles had been.


Henry smiled, and she returned it awkwardly.

"Hi," he said. "Gem mentioned you come here often?"

Not so often anymore. Cassia tried to keep her smile. "Yeah, we met here. Gem tends the bar most nights. Have you ever been?"

"No, no. This is my first time."

"Oh. Well, the food is great." She fumbled around in her mind for something else to say and came up short.

Lucien leaned across the table. "Sorry we arranged to meet so early in the evening, Cassia. We weren't sure if it would be a rush for you after work."

Henry seized the line of conversation. "What do you work as?"

So Gem hadn't told him. Cassia looked at her friend. Gem beamed back at her.

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