Chapter 11

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When Cassia woke up, her throat felt raw and her head was thumping. She stared into the darkness, wondering what time it was and what she'd drunk last night.

She registered the warmth of Sebastian's body against her a second before the alarm went off. Groaning, she struggled upright and tried to find the tabphone as her vision fuzzed. The sudden movement made air hit the back of her throat, it itched. She coughed. Not hungover.

"Cassia?" Sebastian shifted away from her and sat up.

"Where's the fucking --" Her vision cleared at last, and she groped for the tabphone. As soon as she'd shut the alarm off, she coughed again.

"You don't sound good." He studied her in the light of the tabphone screen and winced. "Or look it."

"Thanks." Her voice was hoarse. "I'll be fine in a minute."

She stood up, but room span. Her knees gave out, and she hit the mattress again, feeling a sharp stab of protest in her head.

Once she'd worked out which way was up and which way was down, she realised Sebastian had come around to her side of the bed. He crouched down and frowned. "I don't like the look of this. You're not going anywhere."

She considered arguing with him, then pictured herself standing in the post-mortem room for hours on end and felt even worse. She swung her legs back onto the mattress.

He felt her forehead. "No fever. How do you feel?"


"Stay there while I make tea and breakfast." He smoothed her hair, then straightened up and left the room.

Cassia lay back and closed her eyes. She could feel the heavy weight of congestion creeping in now, and she felt as if she'd just come away from a punishing midnight call-out.

When she heard Sebastian's footfalls, she opened her eyes again. He entered carrying a tray bearing a plate of toast, a peppermint cupcake, and a mug of ginger tea. "Sorry. I don't know how to make anything more nourishing, and my medicine cabinet is a bit...empty."

He put the tray down on her lap, and her heart warmed. "This is good. Thanks."

"Are you going to call in sick, or do you want me to do it?"

Her throat felt raw from the few words she'd spoken, and he must have seen it on her face. He picked up her tabphone, strolling out of the room. She heard the strong tones of his voice a minute later, mingling with the hum of the coffee machine as he set it to work.

When he returned, he was carrying another mug. "Sorted. Will you be okay, or do you want me to call in, too?"

The warmth in her heart grew. When they'd struck up a friendship with benefits, she'd never expected this.

"Go," she croaked. "You have a murder investigation."

He sighed. "That's the only reason why I'm listening to you. I'll buy some medicine on my way home -- will you be okay until then?"

"It's just a little cold." She tapped the mug at her side. "And ginger tea helps."

His gaze swept over her pale face, still concerned. "You'll call me if you need me?"

She almost smiled. Just what was he expecting to happen? "Yes."


The atmosphere in Sebastian's office was gloomy all morning. At lunchtime, he left Otto behind and walked to the crime scenes alone. Ruth's first -- the place where he hadn't seen the body in situ.

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