31. worried

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You walk over to Arthur who is standing right outside the camp

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You walk over to Arthur who is standing right outside the camp. You haven't had much time to talk to him since him and the others got back since you were helping out so much around camp. He was leaning against a tree, looking lost in thought.

"Howdy cowboy." You greeted him.

"You finally made time to talk to me." He chuckled. You rolled your eyes at his statement. Your eyes furrowed when his laugh turned into a cough.

"That's gotten a lot worst Arthur." You said concerned.

"That's what being lost at sea does to ya." He said, trying to laugh it off.

"You really should go to the doctor." You frowned.

"Yeah yeah I'll get around to it." He replied, but you knew he had no intention of going. "Do you want to go for a ride? I want to talk to you about what happened in Guarma."

"Yeah sure." You responded, walking over to Anastasia. The boys told the story of their trip to the small island off of Cuba once they were all back, so you didn't know what Arthur had to tell you, or why he couldn't tell you in camp. You didn't ride far, just far enough away from camp that no one would stumble into your conversation. You got off of Anastasia and started to brush her while waiting for Arthur to start talking.

"I'm worried about Dutch." He said rubbing his neck. You stop brushing Anastasia and looked at him confused. "What are you talking about?"

"He's acting different, haven't you noticed?" Arthur asked.

You thought back to the past few days. He was acting a little all over the place, but you assumed it was just the stress of everything that had happened. "What have you noticed?" You asked.

"When we had to go rescue Javier, what did Dutch tell you about us getting in?" He asked.

"Just that you guys found a secret way through a cave." You replied.

"He left out one small detail. A local, who was expecting gold, showed us through the cave. And once she got us where we needed to and was waiting for payment, Dutch killed her."

Your eyes widened. "He wouldnt kill someone if they were innocent." You responded.

"That's what I though too. And did you hear what he said about John? He said we shouldn't go get him yet." He explained more to you.

"But they will hang him if we don't get him out soon." You said. You rubbed your neck, not sure of what to think about the whole situation. "I'll go talk to him about it."

"Okay. I'm heading into town, to see if things have died down." Arthur responded. You both got on your horses and headed in different directions. On your short ride back, you thought about what Arthur had told you. You wanted to believe that he wasn't in the right headspace, because of Hosea, but you weren't sure. The conversation also made you think about how quick the Pinkertons showed up. How did they know?

You arrived at camp and made your way over to where Dutch was usually sitting. Micah was there talking to him and noticed you approaching. Dutch had been spending a lot more time with Micah, and for some reason that made you worried.

"Ah, the camp queen." Micah said rolling his eyes.

"Get out of here Micah." You responded.

He stood up and walked up to you, standing only inches away from your face. You turned you head so you didn't have to look at him.

"You think just because you were in charge for a few days, that now everyone will do what you say?" He said angrily.

"Micah enough." Dutch spoke up, not looking in the direction of the interaction. Micah looked you up and down with hatred in his eyes. He had to bite his cheek to stop him from saying anything else. He huffed and walked away. You straightened out your clothes before sitting down next to Dutch.

"I'm still waiting for him to be a good man like you told me he was." You rolled your eyes.

Dutch scoffed at your statement. He knew Micah wasn't a great person, but didn't want to say anything.

"I never asked. What happened to Molly?" Dutch asked after a few moments of silence.

You frowned. "She didn't want this life anymore. She knew she no longer had a purpose in the group. I'm glad that she got out, I hope she's doing well."

"Me too." Dutch said looking over the water. You watched as he turned his head to look at your neck, noticing a chain tucked into your shirt. He brought his hand over and pulled the necklace out, revealing his ring. You had kept it tucked in your shirt since he came back. Honestly, you just didn't want him to take it back. You felt comfort having it hang from your neck.

"So this is where it went." He smiled.

"You left it when you went to do the robbery. Here." You said starting to take off the necklace.

"Keep it, I like how it looks on you." He said looking up to meet your eyes. You bit your lip. You didn't want to ruin the moment, but you had to talk to him about John.

"Did you here they moved John to Sisika." You said. The smile dropped off his face. His eyes went cold.

"I told Abigail that it wasn't the right time." He responded looking away.

"There's talk of hanging him." You told him.

"Exactly, talk. We have time." He said, visibly getting more angry.

"Dutch." You said sternly.

"No. Not now." He snapped at you. Your rolled your eyes at him. "Whatever. I'm going to go help around camp." You said getting up, not looking at him. You huffed as you walked back into camp. You passed Micah, who had a smirk on his face.

"Did the queen not get her way?" He asked with a sarcastic pout on his face. You didn't have the energy to deal with him. You walked past him and made your way to Sadie who was standing outside camp, guarding the entrance.

"You look angry." She said as you approached.

"Dutch won't budge on the John situation." You huffed.

"We can't leave him in there. We will have to go." She responded.

"I know." You said with a sigh.

"Meet me at the saloon in Saint Denis, we will figure out what to do then." She responded. You nodded and walked back into camp. You sat down next to the fire and put your head in your hands. What the hell were you going to do now.

silent love { Dutch Van Der Linde x Reader } / rdr2Where stories live. Discover now