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Days have passed°
"Monday 9:30 am"

Rose POV

  So today is the last of Bonding with the girls but i still have plans to do, but school is tomorrow,

i just did my morning Routine and eat my breakfast cuz we are going to move to our new Dorm or i say our House.

currently im Packing some of my clothes and also things that i need after this i just need to inform the girl that im finish packing and papa YG sent us a ride to our bonding and also our "Blackpink Ridess... "

   I already texted the girls and also we dont know whos to pick up first but still waiting for the Car.

"Chaeng!" My personal maid called me thats means the van is here i grab my bags and also my personal maid is coming with me.

I hop in and saw only Jennie i sat beside her and we drove away, Next we pick up lisa and last unnie with our personal maid.

Skip Time *Mall*

  We are here in the mall and everyone respect us some of it, is just taking pictures and also the others respect we also have the security  our side we forgot to bring our personal Guard, Everyone is Shouting cuz its our first time back here in Korean in this Crowd but they also respect they didn't even follow us where we go

We shop for an hour and then out of the store  and we haven't eat lunch yet.

"Lets go eat lunch" I suggest and we nod and look for a good restaurant.

Jisoo unnie is talking to one of the security asking if she know a best restaurant here in the mall and the security nods and explain

Here maam this is a restaurant that lots of Kpop eat here please enjoy.

"Thank you!" We all said and enter the restaurant and i can see its Empty

"Table please" Jennie unnie said and the lady nod and send us in a table, we take a seat and look around

"Yah unnie why just us?" Lisa ask

"I dont even know" jisoo unnie respond.

"Yah girls this Restaurant is only for rich people that can afford and also idols eat her often because of less people and the foods are also good they say." Jennie unnies personal maid said and the other's nod we ask lots of questions about this restaurant,


Me and lisa went to the counter and ask how much all..?? Waiting Until ...

"1Table please.."

Tzuyu POV

   We are here in the mall to eat lunch with the boys its my treat cuz starting tomorrow im surely we are not going to hangout again school is so busy...

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