[55] Spirit

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'Never trust your fears. They don't know your strength' - anonymous

Chapter 55: Spirit

It was the middle of the night when we returned home. The gates of Maythorne Manor creaked open. Emily waited for us by the porch, with a lantern in her hand. She was wrapped warmly in winter clothes.

"Mrs Maythorne is waiting for you in the living room," she told us, opening the front door for us to enter.

"A lantern?" I asked as I passed by, "We're in the 21st century, which means we have electricity and flashlights-"

"G, keep moving," Jesper said from behind me.

"I don't know why this place has to be so unnecessarily creepy," I argued, though he steered me on, "Can I point out that it's also a fire hazard."

"Probably not the best time for your feedback on fire safety," he answered with a smile.

We looked like something out of a 90s sitcom; dressed in tuxedos and old-fashioned prom dresses. Except for Nate, who was dressed like this was a casual Friday.

The six of us filed into the living room. Mrs Maythorne sat in a wide armchair that resembled a throne. She sipped a glass of brandy.

I rolled my eyes at Jesper and whispered, "See what I mean? Unnecessarily creepy."

Unlike us two fools, the others were taking this seriously.

Mrs Maythorne caught our attention, "You did well. You protected our identity."

"Are we going to find out who that group was?" Zane asked, "And why they were after us?"

"It's important that we stay focused on our mission. We are training for a particular event. These groups that are coming for us are trying to stop it from happening."

"What's the event?" I asked.

All I knew was that we were preparing for The Visit... whatever that was...

It sounded like a horror movie. Oh wait, it is a horror movie.

"Please get changed into active-wear. You will be needing it for tonight," Mrs Maythorne shut the conversation down.

I sighed. That was another deflection.

What does it take to get a straight answer around here?

"It's late for an activity," Brianna pointed out. It was fully dark outside.

"It's early somewhere," Hugo answered.

Mrs Maythorne's tone was enough to stop us asking any more questions. I had a feeling Nate and Hugo already knew what was coming. After tonight, after Paris, after the bowling alley, I knew not to question a defensive strategy. 

They always come after us.

We trudged upstairs. Our rooms were all on the third floor and, one by one, we disappeared behind each door. We looked a lot scruffier than we did when we first came out of them earlier this evening.

Jesper and my rooms were next to each other. We reached for our doors at the same time. He stopped and looked over at me.

"Hey, if you're not embarrassed to be seen with me, do you want to have lunch together tomorrow?"

My heart skipped a beat.

"When have I ever been embarrassed of you?" I asked him.

Couldn't he tell how much I missed him?

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