[59] Rochelle

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'If you don't fight for what you want, don't cry for what you lose'  - anon.

Chapter 59: Rochelle

When we were kids, Jesper and I played in a sandbox by our apartment complex. At 7 years old, we were too old to be in there, but we just loved the sand. We'd bury our toys inside and build sandcastles, pretending like we were on a beach somewhere. Our mothers never could afford vacations.

One day some kids came to tease us. They got in Jesper's face and started throwing sand on him. He tackled the boy and then the others piled onto them. At seven, we were still all the same height and weight and I threw myself onto the pile. The boys freaked out when they saw me amongst them.

"No girls allowed! This is a boy's fight."

Jesper had his arm around someone's head, "Do you see any boys here, Georgia?"

"Nope. All I see is a bunch of wimps."

Jesper was about to give the boy a wedgie when I said, "I want to do it!"

Jesper shook his head, not ok with that. I went over and licked my hand, then I pressed it against the boy's face. Everyone started freaking out and screaming "COOTIES!"


I broke out of my daydreaming in class. I was really out of it. Ever since I'd seen Holly in the bathroom, I wasn't sure what to expect. I didn't hear it from the girls. Sid was too devoted to her sister to take a moment to tell me. I overheard it in class.

"Jesper dumped Holly."

Jesper dumped Holly. The shock waves reverberated through school. Holly is the most idolized girl in our school. Jesper was the new kid and now... he'd dumped her.

"He's taken her throne."

Gossip was ruthless here. No one can take a throne.  Why do we even put people on thrones? 

And how could Jesper not tell me? We had our movie night last night. When had he done this?

I met up with Isla and we went to lunch. It was our last day before the holidays and we had bought little gifts for each other. We almost rounded the corner when I heard Jesper's voice. 

I immediately stepped back, bumping into Isla but grabbing her back with me. I pressed my finger against my lips, so she would stay quiet. We hid around the corner of the hallway.

I just couldn't face him right now.

"Holly's coming after her," a guy told Jesper.

Isla's eyes widened when she realized what they were talking about. I was hoping they would move on, so we wouldn't be stuck here listening.

Jesper said, "No, she's not. Holly doesn't care what Georgia gets up to."

"Are you kidding me, bro? You just broke up with her. She's out for blood."

"It had nothing to do with Georgia. Holly and I were never going to work."

"It doesn't matter. She won't see it that way. If you care about your little friend, you better do something about it."

"Have you seen G? She's taller than you."

Ohhh yes. That's what I'm talking about. I can handle my own shiiii....

"Busted." Hugo stood behind us, ready to expose us.


I grabbed Isla's hand and ran around the corner, passing by Jesper and his friend as quickly as possible.

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