First year- Part 1

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September 1st 1971:

"I'm so excited!" I squeal, whilst Sev smiles at me joyously. 

"Me too," he says back, matching my level of enthusiasm. 

We sit down in an empty train carriage, and I try to stop wriggling excitedly. 

Sev and I had been fantasising about this for two years, and now, we are finally going to get to go to Hogwarts!

I gaze out the window and spot Mummy and Daddy waving happily at me. I smile and wave back, but then spot Petunia. She has her arms crossed and is scowling at me crossly. I give her a small smile, which she doesn't return. I don't know why she suddenly doesn't like me anymore. 

Just as I open my mouth to tell Sev about Petunia's hostile behaviour, three boys walk into the compartment. Well, two of them saunter in, the other one trails behind, looking a little lost.

The first one smiles at me, extending a hand. 

"I'm James," he says confidently. 

I smile back. "I'm Lily." I motion to Sev. "And this is my friend, Severus."

Sev smiles at James, but he seems a bit put-out by his presence. Strange.

"This is Sirius and Remus," James says, motioning to the other two boys behind him. 

Sirius smiles widely at me, and Remus gives me a small nod, seeming shyer than the other two. I instantly take a liking to him.

They sit in our compartment, seemingly just in time, for at this moment, the train starts to move, departing from the station. 

"So, what house do you want to be sorted into?"  James asks, raising a single eyebrow. 

I think he is talking to me, but Severus answers instead. 

"Slytherin, for sure."

James makes a disgusted face. "Nah, I'm hoping for Gryffindor," he says dismissively. 

"But why?" Sev asks, genuinely confused. "Slytherin is way cooler!"

"That's you-know-who's house. Why would I want to have anything in common with him?" Sirius butts in snootily. 

They both seem arrogant.

"Of course you both would want to be sorted into Gryffindor! You seem overly-confident," Sev remarks.

"What's that supposed to mean?" James asks defensively, a hint of anger in his tone. 

"Nothing," Sev smirks, and that seems to set James off. 

All three of them start to talk over each other. I lock eyes with Remus, who just stares at me worriedly, not knowing what to do either. I didn't imagine the train ride to be like this.

"Guys, come on," I say. "Stop arguing now, we haven't even got there yet!"

Thankfully, they all seem to settle down, but Sev and James still shoot daggers at each other. I settle into my seat. This is going to be a long ride...

A/N: Hi! What do you think of the first chapter? I got a lot of my knowledge from the internet, so I apologise if I get anything wrong in this story!

I wanted to write a story about Lily Evans/Potter because she's one of my favourite characters, and she's super amazing! Her death was so sad, but she was so noble and brave.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and decide to carry on reading!

Lots of love

Saf xx

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