Second year- Part 1

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1st September 1972:

"Are you kidding?" Sev mutters as James, Sirius, Remus and Peter walk into our compartment. 

"Be nice, Sev," I mutter half-heartedly. 

The truth is, Remus seems sensible enough, but James and Sirius are a little... rowdy. Nevertheless, I believe in second chances, so I'll give them one.

"Hi Lily, Snivellus," James says cockily, raising his hand in a salute.

"What did you call me?" Sev asked indignantly.

James grinned at him. "Oh, just a little name I came up with for you," he smirks, and I instantly dislike him. 

No one insults Sev in front of me and gets away with it. 

"Really, Potter?" I sneer, hoping that he takes the hint and shuts up.

He stares me down. I raise an eyebrow at him, daring him to answer back.

"What's it to you, Evans?" he replies snootily, still not breaking eye contact.

Ugh, he's so infuriating.

"Come on, Sev," I say, getting up. "Let's go and find another compartment."


28th November 1972:

"Oh my gosh, Sev," I groan, whilst he chuckles at my mortification. "It's not funny!"

"Yes it is," he says, taking a sip of his pumpkin juice. "I just can't believe we-" and he dissolved into laughter again, as I tried not to laugh with him. 

It was pretty funny if you thought about it...

James and Sirius had rigged the whole Great Hall so that Mistletoe hung everywhere. When two people walked under it, they had to kiss or they would be thrown back under it by a magical barrier. I don't know how James managed that type of magic. 

I might have found it funny, if I hadn't been caught under there. Luckily, it was only Sev, so we shared a quick kiss and walked away as it nothing had happened. But, two hours later, sitting in the courtyard, Sev can't seem to control his mirth. 

I am seconds away from dissolving into a fit of giggles myself, so I focus on something else. 

"I'm going to kill that arrogant toerag Potter," I vow, thinking about how he had humiliated me.

"Talking about me, were you Evans?"

I whip my head around, trying not to seem started at his presence. Sirius and Peter are behind him, but Remus is no where in sight. 

"Go away, Potter," Sev says tiredly. 

James pretends to consider it for a while, before answering. "Hmm, no, I don't think I will. Enjoy snogging Snivellus, Evans?"

I blush furiously, unable to stop the heat flooding my cheeks. "Shut up, Potter. And we didn't snog!"

James and Sirius laugh at my obvious embarrassment, and I glare at them, wishing that they would just go away. 

"Better Sev than an arrogant toerag like you," I quip, and James abruptly stops laughing. 

I tug at Sev's arm. "Come on Sev, let's go."

A/N: Hi! What did you think of this chapter. Honestly, I think the young James would have gotten on my nerves, so I tried to show how annoying he is to Lily... I hope I did a good job of it? I got the idea of the mistletoe as I've read a few fanfictions about it, and thought that I would include it in here!

Lots of love

Saf xx

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