chapter 13

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Happy reading beautifuls....

"The best attribute a believer can have is forgiveness!!"

Author's p.o.v

Whole week passed by a blur after that night which Anfal and Ibtihaj spent in eyes.

That morning he went for an operation and now he was staying in Islamabad for some bussiness stuff.

Whole week passed but they didnt see each other nor heard from each other.

Ibtihaj was living with the hate for Hassan he had in his heart while Anfal was still going through the pain of bruises he gave her that night.

To this day her body burns with pain whenever water touches her wounds.

After taking shower Anfal drape duppata and took her notebook and marched towards amma's room.

"So today we will learn about the relation of husband and wife and the concept of forgiveness in Islam."
Amma said as all the girls gathered.

It was a class of girls older than 17 years and not of children.

"Let's start with the name of Allah, who is the most merciful and the most beneficial.
So first of all let's learn about the relation between husband and wife.
You know girls that a relationship between a husband and his wife should be like the relationship of the hand and eye. If the eye cries, the hand should always be there to wipe it's tears. Just like the husband wipes his wife's tears and vice versa."
Amma smiled softly.

"Islam gave alot power and specialities to a woman. When she is a mother she owns Heavens. When she she is a sister she holds pride of her father and brothers. When she is wife she completes half deen of her husband and last but not least becoming a daughter she brings blessings.
Along with holding such specialities , a woman also holds many responsibilities. So today we will talk about the responsibilities of a woman as a wife."
Amma said and all the girls nodded while Anfal was looking at her quitely.

"The relationship between a husband-wife is unlike any other. The Qur'an speaks beautifully about the bond between a husband and wife.

The Qur'an recommends in Surah Nisa that wives should be obedient and adaptable to their husbands.
Wives should also keep the secrets of their husbands and protect their honor and integrity."
Amma stopped.

"Why? Why all the responsibilities are for women in every field? Why can't men be the in charge when it comes to take care and suffer?"
Anfal said shocking everyone.

She wasn't a feminist but what she experienced she spoke that.

"No beta you are taking it wrong. Islam where made woman responsible it also makes man responsible on the other hand but both have differnent spheres to take care of. Islam made husband the leader of the household and is responsible for his family. He is in charge not only regarding providing financial aid, but also emotional and spiritual guidance to the house while asked women to stay at home and keep her huaband happy and take care of his comfort.

Ibn_ Baz said that, a husband should
patiently endure his wife's
Shortcomings, fear Allah treat his wife kindly and recognize her rights
And fulfil his duties towards her.

Allah (SWT) made our spouses so that we can find support and comfort with them in times of difficulty. This is how a marriage works!! When two of them try!! Try to make other happy by respecting him or her or by treating him or her well. There was a motive behind creating humans in pairs, my child!!"

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