chapter 14

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Happy reading beautifuls....

" You can't get on right path until and unless Allah wills!!"

Anfal's p.o.v

I wake up early as usual.

My life had changed alot in past 4 days. I wasn't taking my depression pills anymore. My nights had became peaceful without them.  Now I pray regularly.

I am happy with the family I have.

You can't even imagine how soothing is to forgive someone.  You feel burden less. I forgave Ibtihaj and now I am feeling so light and free. I want Allah to forgive me then how couldn't I forgave HIS people?

I realized that it was his right as a husband but may be he was too dumb to know that he should be gentle and easy.


I rolled my eyes and went towards garden for a morning walk.


It was now afternoon when I took my notebook and marched towards Amma's room.

All the girls gathered and sat down.

"Start with the same of Allah who is the most merciful and the most beneficial!!
Today we will learn about Surah Noor which means the light.
In this Surah moral values have been described properly.  In this Surah Allah commands women to hide themselves and cover theirbody in front of non-mehram males and many other things.
Allah says,
"O Believers, do not follow in Satan's footsteps, for he will incite to indecency and wickedness any who will follow him. If Allah had not shown His Brace and mercy to you, none of you would have been able to cleanse yourself, for it is Allah alone Who cleanses whom He wills, and Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing."

So if someone gets knowledge about Islam and gets closer to Allah then it's because of Allah's will.

Allah further added that,
"Those among you, who are bountiful and persons of means, should not swear on oath that they would withhold their help from their relatives, the indigent and those who have left their homes for the cause of Allah: they should forgive and forbear. you not wish that Allah should forgive you? and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful."

So this is the point that is highlighted here about forgiving others.
When we, ourselves expect Allah to forgive us then it would be mean if we don't forgive others.

Allah further says,
"Those who charge with slander those Believing women, who are chaste but simple souls, are accursed in this world and in the Hereafter: there is a great punishment for them. They should not forget the Day when their own tongues and their own hands and test will bear testimony in regard to their misdeeds. On that Day Allah will give them the full recompense they deserve, and they will realize that Allah is the very Truth, Who makes the Truth manifest."

This is how Islam and Quran protect women's status.
Allah havepromised about punishing those who accuse innocent women.
If someone finds himself being accused and forbidden by people he should remember that Allah is here who have promised to do justice.

"Impure women are for impure men and impure men for impure women, and pure women are for pure men and pure men for pure women."

In this way no one will face injustice. You can't say the you were so pious and pure but you got exceptional partner.

Allah says,
"O Prophet, enjoin the Believing men to restrain their gaze and guard their private parts and not to display their adornment except that which is displayed of itself, and to draw their veils over their bosoms and not to display their adornment except before their husbands, their fathers, the fathers of their husbands, their sons and the sons of their husbands(from other wives), their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their female associates and those in their possession and male attendants incapable of sex desire and those boys who have not yet attained knowledge of sex matters concerning women; also forbid them to stamp their feet on the ground lest their hidden ornaments should be displayed. O Believers, turn all together towards Allah: it is expected that you will attain true success."

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