Chapter 13: Crash

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AN: I'm super sorry for this really late update, I have begun school again and it's already a stressful year. But thank you though to those who were worried and such, you truly are all so sweet. I really hope you enjoy this chapter, I know I did! I really want to know what you guys think about it, so leave some comments! Love you guys :)

Chapter 14: Crash

Tori Vega's Point of View

I knew something was wrong when Beck had called me the next day, his voice was dry and it didn't have the usual chill attitude he held. I found myself driving to his house quickly, wanting to be there for him. I wanted to be there for him when he would tell me that Jade had ended it. She had finally broke up the two year relationship between them.

No, I wasn't surprised. Of course I wasn't, she had told me the other day about this new person in her life that had done it. They had won her heart.

Holding Beck wasn't happening, Beck wasn't the type of guy to let anyone hold him when the tears begin to fall. I wish I could have held him though, that would mean that he wouldn't have seen my expressions as he told me about how she broke his heart.

How did he not see this coming though? Did he not hear the same distraught I hear in Jade's voice when they argued? Did he not see the heartbreaking pain in her eyes when he made fun of her? How could he not see the way he had begun to treat her?

Sitting next to him as he shares his side of the story, isn't easy. He's been my best friend since preschool, yet I know that I already choose her over him. It hurts, sitting in front of him and not actually understanding his side. I only think of what she might be going through, is she finally happy now? Is she already with this new guy?

My heart already broke when I realized that I wasn't even second on her list, I'm most likely the last person she would ever think of to have feelings for. It doesn't matter that I'm the one who had held her in times when Beck was hurting her. It doesn't matter that I'm the one that actually would give her the world over everything. None of it matters.

Leaving Beck's RV, I sputter out a few more sympathetic apologies before driving away as fast as I can. I feel guilty still, even though I haven't actually done anything wrong in this situation. I'm not the one she's leaving him for, I'm not the one that broke up with him. Yet, he's my best friend, and I'm so certain that he's wrong. She's always been right, and has always been so deserving of something more.

I never expected her to actually do it so soon though. I thought there would still be time, more time to be with her instead of watch her move on so quickly. I don't want to see her with this new guy, I barley could breathe the several months I had to watch her with Beck. I just hope I don't have to walk into school tomorrow to find her holding hands with a new guy.

Something I also don't expect, is the phone call I recieve at midnight. Her voice isn't sad like Beck's, she doesn't even mention his name actually.

I find myself easing up though, listening to her voice as she talks aimlessly like previous nights. She doesn't talk about the breakup, so neither do I. I'm not even sure if she knows I know yet, but I don't tell her because I'm just enjoying the simple conversation we're having. I'm surprised to hear her voice so intact, so normal. Does she even care about the breakup that essentially happened only a few hours ago?

For the time being though, I push Beck to the back of my mind. I know it's not the right thing, but I can't help it when Jade's voice is here with me in my room. I feel a bit less stressful about everything, I'm not worrying about the inevitable heartbreak that I'll receive tomorrow when I see her with him.

Over an hour of just mindlessly talking, I put in the CD she had given to me on the ride home from our camping trip yesterday. We listen to it together, whether it's in silence or talking about the lyrics. I can feel the passion in her words when she tells me about a certain song, just excited to be the one to tell me all about it.

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