chapter 5

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Chapter 5

A handsome guy could be seen in the crowd , watching the motor show. He was feeling energy radiating from him. Cars and motorbikes were something he was passionate about. He liked taking part in races also. He was here with his friends Ali, Saad and Shehroz.

"Check that car." Hartaj said pointing towards a Black modified Ferrari.

"You only check the cars, and there's a crowd checking you out." Ali muttered begrudgingly.

"I will check them out later, right now, I have better things to see" Hartaj said with a laugh.

Saad and Shehroz shook their heads.


As planned, Hukumyaar took Mahrosh with him the same day. She was scared, as she didn't know what to expect of Hukumyaar. Shehnaaz Begham  said some really nice things about Hukumyaar, but as much as she had seen, he was a Laghari all the way. He didn't look kind to her at all.

They reached Hukumyaar's Karachi home by midnight. He has  a beautiful bungalow with a lush garden in the front. Hukumyaar had been living here since 5 years for his studies. An middle aged couple took care of the house. (Rabia bi and Zafar)

The lady had already gone to their quarters as it was midnight, Hukumyaar got water for Mahrosh. She was shocked seeing him serve her.

Hukumyaar took a seat beside her on the sofa. Mahrosh flinched away. "Hey relax, you don't need to be scared of me." He said in a calm voice.

"Are you hungry?" He asked and Mahrosh shook her head.

"Okay, then come. I will show you your room. It's the room beside mine. After you wake up, Rabia bi will show you around the house, tell her to cook what you like." He was talking while walking with her hand in his.

"This is your room, from now on. I have asked Rabia bi to set it in the evening. The next door is my room." He said as he entered the room. When she didn't say anything, he had to turn towards her. She was looking down, biting her lip.

"What happened?" He asked, lifting her chin. He saw that her eyes were filled with unshed tears.

"Can anyone sleep here with me ? I can't sleep alone at night, I have nightmares." She said as two tears slipped down her cheeks.

"Who slept with you at home?" He asked simply.

"At home, Ammi had told a maid to sleep with me." She said with quivering lips.

Hukumyaar took a deep breathe. "Okay, you can sleep in my room. There's no one else, who can sleep in your room here." Hukumyaar said reluctantly. Mahrosh nodded her head quickly, anything was better than sleeping alone.

Hukumyaar took her to his room, he asked her to freshen up, meanwhile he put his stuff in place. After they were ready for bed, Hukumyaar laid on the right side of bed. Mahrosh was standing near the bed, feeling shy.

"Come and sleep." Hukumyaar said. The bed was big enough to accomodate 3 people. She laid down on her side and there was still easily a feet distance between them. Hukumyaar fell asleep soon, as he was tired from all the travelling he had done. He also needed to wake up early tomorrow.

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