Part 1

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Where am I? Who am I? Why is the floor so...soft? I opened my eyes. Only one of my three questions were solved. I was lying on a bed in a bedroom. My head spun as I got up. I saw the mirror in front of me. I was fully dressed but not in a familiar outfit. Nothing around me seemed familiar. I focused harder on the small square on my left hip. V-virgo Miss Harper Angeln age 18. Huh? The name sounds familiar but not the Virgo part. Maybe it's my name. Well that's two of three solved. I'm 18? I carelessly stumbled out the doorway to a small room with a couch and kitchenette. I exited the small house.

The area was not what I would have expected from what the house looked like. It looked more like a hangar for ships not like the boats but the...planes! That's the name. Uh I'm having such a hard time thinking. Then there were more houses. 11 to be exact. Each seemed to have a theme. Camouflage, crabs, bulls, goats, rams, twining, courthouse, lions, scorpion, ocean, jewels, and mine was like flowers or something.

Everything was still blurry and hazy but I could make out a moving blob. The blob was like a qtip, white on top and very skinny. The blob looked less like a blob now and more like a white haired teen. No wait not a teen, just a regular 40 year old woman with white hair. The woman became clearer as she approached. She was wearing a fancy white blouse with a black collar and had pens in her bun. She held a clipboard and wore a long pencil skirt in black. Her eyes were still bright with wonder. I think that's what made her look so young.

"Ah Miss Angeln. You're awake. How do you like your new home?"

"Oh so it wasn't just my head. I don't remember any of this place at all. I don't even know who you are."

"No miss, we have been moved here temporarily cause of the disease. I'm Miss Burns."

"Disease? What disease? And what's with Virgo thing on my name tag?"

"The Star Picrrut Plague. The Virgo is your zodiac miss. It tells us and the others how infected you are or can be. That reminds me," she looked at her clipboard and shuffled some papers, possibly a nervous habit, "Never I say never go in that room." She pointed behind her to a wall that can be pulled back for cargo but it was closed down to one door in the middle. On that door was a Do Not Enter sign in big bright red letters. It also had a massive lock on it.

"I doubt I would want to go in there anyways. Who else lives here by the way?"

She turned to face down the row of houses and pointed to the first house on my row, "Seth, Jeromy, Alex and Alec, Hailey, Johnny, " she now pointed to the start of the second row and it went down, " Hugo, Sam, Tommy, Billy, Lindsay and Kristen."

"That's a lot of neighbors."

"Well I'm sure you will get to know them all very soon." It was almost comedic that when she said that in almost every other house there was some kind of noise that someone was steering inside.

"Well that's my que. Bye for now. Ta Ta!" 

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