Part 4

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The next day started off with an intercom, "RISE AND SHINE MY SWEETIES! OH HOW DO I TURN THIS THING DOWN? OH we go. Sorry about that. Just remember do not enter the room. Try to get to know each other again today. Talk about your hidden rooms and what is in it. Talk about who they are and who they know. The first person to name everybody gets a candybar. Also visit their houses too. They are quite interesting. And remember don't enter the room. TA TA!"

"Well that's my dose of adrenaline for today." Well I know Seth, Tommy, Alex and grrrr Johnny. Guess I need to talk to more people. Maybe Alex today. I think I also recall Miss Burns saying that her brother was Alec. I also remember a Sam and Kristen. Wonder who those two are? I don't think I like Miss Burns either. Something about her is

I shut the door to my house. Some people were already out on the row. Before I could get to anyone new, Seth caught my arm.

"Hey again Harper! It's me Seth if you remember."

"Oh I remember."

"Hey," Johnny joined the conversation, "I think you should keep your hands to yourself."

"Or what!" Now Tommy has joined.

"Yeah or what!" Seth was his echo.

"I think I'll leave you guys to it then," I stepped back from the brewing argument. I headed towards what I supposed was Alex's house. But there was no need because I saw her.

"Hey Alex," I tapped on her shoulder. She turned ...well actually he turned.

"I'm not Alex. I'm Alec," He gave me a hard look over and he turned fully around with his demon tail brisked my dress. "I suppose we haven't met though have we?" I shook my head.

"I'm sorry. I haven't met you before, and I haven't really learned your differences yet-."

"It's fine, just forget about it."

"Uh ok then. I'm Harper Angeln of Virgo," I smiled but didn't extend a hand.

"How regal. Alec VonStroke of Gemini," He gave a nod then looked towards his house. "Hey sis! Your friend is here!" He yelled to inside.

"Is it Lindsay! Tell him, that his offer-."

"No it's Harper, the long blonde chick!"

"Oh right...that friend. Coming!" The door was thrown open and she pranced out. She did a cartwheel with her devil tail spinning. Does this plague cause everyone to become like their zodiac? Sheesh.

"Hey Harps. How's Johnny?"

I rolled my eyes, "Why do you care?"

"Well the Jeromy-Kristen train is slow, and I doubt that me and Lindsay are going anywhere and you and Johnny are the last couple."

"Couple?!? Aww Heck No! But who's Jeromy and Kristen And Lindsay, I don't know them?"

"Well," she pointed to the large man with bull horns, "that's Jeromy aka Taurusus," she pointed to the petite fancy girl, "that's Kristen or Pisces," then she pointed to the surfer dude, "and that's-."


"The aquaris. You got it and yes he is a guy. I know it's like a girl's name but he is a guy."

"Ok that helps. Um well," I did the same for her with Seth and Tommy, "and you already know Johnny."

"Well that leaves Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, and Capricorn."

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