13: Mission Mate

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Chapter 13: Mission Mate (Devon's POV)

It's been almost a week since Izza's blow-up, and she has been avoiding me. Every time I enter a room, she finds a reason to leave. I woke up early this morning and let Dexter go for a run. He needed it. He has been going ape shit in my head. He is upset that Izza isn't talking to us but super excited that I finally decided to stop being, as Izza put it, a man whore. He wants our mate. He always has. He's the whole reason she is here anyway.

If it wasn't for Dex, I would have fucked her and left her at the claiming. I may or may not have pulled out. I probably wouldn't have and I would have never known my boys. I do wish I was more gentle with her that night. I can't take that back. I will regret it for the rest of my life. But Dex is the smarter one of us two. He has been bitching at me all along to be with Izza.

"You think I'm smart? I'd cum in our mate any chance she gives us. I want more pups. Mate makes perfect pups. Mate is a goddess when she is carrying our pups. We should make more pups with mate."

"Very simple-minded Dex. How do you expect to do that when she is mad at us."

"Mate is mad at you, so be nice to her. That's all mate really wants dumbass. Do you want more pups with mate?"

"I want everything more with her."

"Finally we are together on our mate. Can we call it mission mate? Your new plan?"

"Call it what you want Dex. She's going out tonight, and it's our chance to make her ours."

"Yes, ours."

At that last thought, I shifted and entered the back entrance to the house. Kelly mind-linked me that she had a special surprise set up for Izza and she was taking the boys for the weekend. Jax and Kelly had rented a hotel at a water park and Izza had the whole weekend to herself. Perfect. I love the twins but they really do know how to cock-block their dad.

I made it to my room and got in the shower to remove the forest from my skin. Dex likes to get dirty. So do I but not in the same way. I could do some very dirty things with Izza. If she was talking to me. Her birthday is on Monday. Maybe I can give her, her birthday spankings. I'm going to end up with Carpal Tunnel if I don't get Izza soon.

When I made my way to the kitchen, I was surprised. I found Izza sitting on the island facing the opposite direction. I don't think she noticed that I had entered the kitchen. This is the longest I have seen her since she stormed out of the house. Whatever she is doing must have her full attention. She seemed to be reading something as she ate.

"Boys still asleep?" I asked, even though I already knew the truth. Izza just handed me the note and keep from looking me in the eye.

"Nice. So what are you going to do with your weekend off." Trying to get her to talk to me. She is paying me no attention though.

She shrugged. I growled.

"Izza, Talk to me. You have barely spoken three words to me since you ran out of here last week. This is the longest we have been in the same room together." I pulled her close and she tries to escape my embrace. I just hug her tighter. I need to feel her. Since I started embracing the mate bond I crave her touch. Her scent. I crave just the sight of her.

"So I'm Izza again."

"Izza, it wasn't what it looked like okay. I'm sorry that I gave you the wrong impression. It was never my intention to hurt you." I know why she is mad but why is she this mad at me? Does she want me, like I want her?

"That's just it. You never intend to hurt me, but that's all you have ever done. If it weren't for the twins. I think I would have been better off returning to my father. To be sold to a stranger. It would be better than watching the other half of my heart parade around here with the entire unmated female portion of the pack. The boys are the only reason why I haven't tried to find a way the sever the bond and go home."

All But Forgotten Mate (EDITED/COMPLETE)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon