Epilogue: NeXt Gen

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Epilogue: NeXt Gen (Xander's POV)

"Bacon... I smell bacon." I inhale deeper and I smell eggs and croissants. Oh, mom is making bacon and spinach soufflés. Why does she have to do this on a Saturday? I don't want to move. My mouth is watering and my stomach is rumbling with hunger.

I stumble out of bed and throw a random pair of gym shorts over my boxers, before following the wonderful scent of breakfast. I swear this is what my mate will smell like.

I haven't met her yet, but I go to my first Claiming in a few weeks. I am so excited about that. I have saved myself for my mate, for the most part. I at least have never had sex. Oral or otherwise. I've kissed a few girls and touched a few forbidden spots. Unlike my twin brother, who is the man whore of the Pack. He is more like dad and I'm more like mom. I want my first time to be with my mate.

I sat down at the kitchen island and mom is facing the stove when I sit down. She's humming a soft song while she plates two soufflés. "Good morning my sweet boy. I take it, you are hungry?" My mom asks not even bothering to turn around. She knows that I am patiently waiting.

"The smell of your soufflés could wake the dead mom." I smile, as I compliment her. She tells me all the time, that I will make any woman the perfect mate, as long as I treat them half as well, as I treat her.

She giggles as she turns around. She reaches out her right hand to pass me my plate. What happens next seems to take place in slow motion.

My plate slips from her hand and crashes to the counter. At the same time, she slips to the floor as if she's been hit from behind. I don't understand. She was just laughing and making me breakfast.

"Mom!" I scream. I run to her and she's not breathing. She has no heartbeat. In a blink of an eye, she is gone.

The roar from the Packhouse is deafening. "Dad." I can feel his pain through the mind-link as his wolf Dexter dies from the death of his mate.

On this day Izzabella Nicolette Fury died, as a blood clot traveled to her brain. There was no saving her. She was gone in the instant she dropped my breakfast. I was the last to hear her voice, to see her smile, to smell her berry scent.

This moment changed everything. If this didn't happen, all of our lives would have had a much happier ending. We wouldn't be as fucked up as we are now. She was the light that kept us together and then that light was gone. All that's left now is darkness...

Hi Happy Readers,

I know this isn't a happily ever after ending. But that's because it's not the end. Forgotten is the first of three generations of Fury Alpha's in the All But Mate Series.

Alpha Devon was a bad mate who turned good. No matter your opinion of him Izza loved him till her dying breath.

The sequel Rejected will follow the X twins. Xander and Xavier will both have their hands full as they encounter their mates. Mistakes will be made. Hearts will be broken. New lessons will be learned.

Give it a chance and check out the sequel All But Rejected Mate...

And as always Happy Reading 😁 📖

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