Chapter 7

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When you woke up the next morning, you found yourself tucked into your own bed, left hand trapped in Chanmi's right one. This wasn't the first time you'd fallen asleep in the living room after a rough night and woken up to your best friend laying next to you, providing silent comfort as you slept. 

The bed moved as you got up, jostling your friend awake as you made your way towards the bathroom.

"What time is it?" Chanmi asked, voice rough from having just woken up. 

"6," you called. "We have an hour to get ready for today's schedule."

You stood in the shower, allowing the warm water to wash away everything that happened the day before. It was back to business as usual, and you were never one to slack off after a rough night. Thoughts about your encounter with Jeongguk came to mind as you washed your hair. Assuming he'd relayed the information to the six other boys, you now had seven soulmates you had to look out for on the streets of Seoul. Sighing as you thought about how stealthy you had to be walking to Imperial Entertainment, you stepped out of the shower and got dressed. 

Chanmi handed you a plate of breakfast when you entered the kitchen. 

"Unnies left a note, they left early to help set up the recording studio." 

You nodded in acknowledgement and ate silently as Chanmi chattered on about the day, and her plans for your team dinner tonight. 


"Do you really have to dress like a nun at all times?" 

You shot Chanmi a dirty look, although she couldn't see it as your eyes were hidden behind a pair of sunglasses. Chanmi stared at your outfit, distaste for your outfit clear on her face. You wore white sneakers, light washed denim flare jeans and a dark red sweater. However, this wasn't the article of clothing Chanmi despised. It was the long, black, tunic-like coat you wore that she hated. The coat was so long it fell all the way down to the middle of your calves, and the sleeves ended at your wrists, your hands stuffed into your pockets. You pulled the hood up over your hair before adjusting your mask, your forehead being the only patch of skin visible to those who walked along the streets. 

"One, it's cold and two, I have not one, not two but seven soulmates to avoid crossing paths with, excuse me for being precautious." While you rambled, you failed to notice that Chanmi had abruptly stopped walking in front of you, causing you to run into her.

"Uh, yeah, I don't think that outfit is going to help you this time," Chanmi whispered, staring straight ahead.

"What are you talking about?" You jaw dropped behind your mask as you followed your friend's line of sight, seeing what she'd been staring at. Or rather, who she'd been staring at. 

Overcoming her initial shock, your traitor of a best friend giggled before walking inside your company's building. "Good luck hiding now!"

Ignoring her teasing, you bounded forward, grabbing the boy by the arm and pulling him into an alleyway behind the building. "What are you doing here?"

Thin pink lips fell into a pout as he pulled his mask down under his chin, doe eyes growing larger than you thought possible. Whoever thought they invented puppy dog eyes was wrong. This kid's got it in the bag. 

"I wanted to talk to you but we had no way of contacting you. We don't know your phone number, and you have no personal social medias. We thought about sliding into your group account's dms," Jeongguk made a hand gesture to demonstrate the word 'slide', "but we didn't know if your members knew, and didn't want to risk one of them seeing it. So the only option was to come here!" Jeongguk bounced on the balls of his feet, a large smile taking over his face. 

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