Chapter 12

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Before I begin, I'm not sure if everyone reads the author's notes at the end (I understand if you don't I tend to skip some of the long ones too), but I would really appreciate if you answered the little questions I ask. None of my friends really like K-pop (they don't hate on it, they support me but it's just not their style) so I don't really have anyone to talk to and fangirl with. I'm mindful not to ask any personal questions, but if it feels personal please don't feel pressured to answer. However if you can, I would really appreciate if you answered, just so I can get to know my readers better and hear your ideas! 


A warm hand encased your own as you sat in the passenger seat of a car.

 "Are you going to be alright?" 

Nayoung had offered to drop you off at BTS' dorm this morning in order to provide you comfort until the last possible second. Although you were nervous last night about the idea of telling the truth behind your life at Imperial Entertainment, sleep came easy to you. Your touch with Seokjin left you drained, emotionally and physically, and you slept a dreamless sleep, waking to a text this morning from Seokjin. 

You gave Nayoung a reassuring, albeit nervous smile. "I will be."

"Are you sure you don't want me to come? I know they asked you to come alone but I'm sure they'd understand once they knew the whole story." Nayoung couldn't help but be protective over her youngest member. For as long as she could remember, you'd depended on her and Minji for emotional support, whether it be before a performance or after a meeting with Lee. 

"No, it's ok unnie," you responded. "This is something I need to do on my own. I can't use you or Chanmi or anyone else as a crutch for the rest of my life. They are my soulmates, my responsibility. I can do this." You couldn't tell if you were trying to convince Nayoung or if you were giving yourself a pep talk. With one last deep breath, you opened the car door and stepped out. You pulled your hoodie sleeves over your hands, the brisk morning wind blowing your hair into your face. 

Nayoung watched as you walked up to the door, fiddling with your sleeves as you waited for the door to open. A proud smile etched itself onto the leader's face. Her little chickie was finally learning to fly on her own. She drove away, knowing that you'd fall out of the nest a few times before being able to use your wings properly, and she'd be there to catch you every time. 


A bright, heart-shaped smile and pearly white teeth greeted you at the door. 

"Good morning Y/N! Come in, come in! It's chilly outside," Hoseok chirped, ushering you inside before shutting the door. 

You couldn't help but smile back at him, his cheerfulness seemingly contagious. The warmth of the apartment swept over you like a blanket as a familiar scent filled your nose. It smelled like cinnamon and crisp autumn air, and you noticed a scented candle flame flickering on the table in the hallway.

"Y/N!" You heard a voice shout, before the wind was knocked out of you. Strong arms wrapped around you and your face was smashed into a broad chest. 

"Kookie," a sweet voice chided before the large man was pulled away from you. Jimin sent you an apologetic smile over Jeongguk's shoulder, as the younger looked at you with big doe eyes. 

"I'm sorry Y/N! I was just really excited to see you!" Jeongguk hung his head.

You felt bad. Quite frankly, you didn't mind the embrace, you were just shocked by how sudden it was and you froze. "It's alright Jeongguk. I didn't mind." 

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