4. Library Lover

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Over the last few weeks, I had grown exceptionally close to Lily Evans. She and I did everything together, from studying in the library to running around the grounds, watching the Houses go through their Quidditch trials.

"My friend always used to lecture our other two friends on doing their essays at the last minute," I complained to Lily, who was looking over James's essay. "I now understand why!"

"Lighten up, Rory," Sirius said. "It's only a month into the term, we're fine!"

"Exactly!" I shouted, putting his essay on my lap. "It's only a month yet you're already slacking off! You're worse than Ron," I mumbled the last bit to myself.

Remus nodded furiously at my comment causing James, Sirius, and Peter to glare at him.

"See, this is why he's my favorite," I smiled and threw him one of my sugar quills. He eagerly grabbed it and ate it. He had such a sweet tooth!

"It's like giving a dog a treat, oh Merlin," I laughed.

James laughed louder than necessary while Remus and Sirius glared at me and him. Again, my little joke hit too hard to the both of them— Sirius being an Animagus dog and Remus being a werewolf.

"I'm telling you, she's almost my favorite girl," James wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Almost?" I narrowed my eyes slightly at him. "Who's your favorite girl then?"

"Of course, my Lils," James lightly smiled at her.

"Shut up, Potter," Lily narrowed her eyes at him and handed him his essay.

The days flew by and soon enough, it was Saturday. Lily had prior arrangements with Professor Slughorn so she couldn't hang out with me as we usually did on the weekends. I didn't see much of the quartet around either being that Sunday will be a full moon. Alone for the first time in weeks, I made my way to the empty library with books in hand.

Dumbledore didn't talk to me as much as I expected him to, me being from the future and all, but it didn't bother me much. There wasn't much for us to do, the Time Charm wasn't invented for another four years and Time-Turners only go back in time, also requiring extensive paperwork via the Ministry. Nonetheless, I still spent my time in the library looking at books on time.

After finishing my homework for the following week, I pulled out a few more books on time. An hour and four books later, I sat in the far corner of the library, hidden by a mountain of thick books and tomes.

"How is it that you, one of the most popular girls in school, are alone on a Saturday hidden in a mound of books?" a voice inquired from over the pile of books.

Looking up and over the books, I saw the straight black hair of the shy boy.

"Hello, Severus," I said and looked back down at my book.

"The Theory of Time and Space Continuum: Volume Nine?"

"I'm only on Volume seven right now," I said, slightly lifting up my book as I used my finger to read the texts.

"Interested on time?" Sev asked.

"Very much indeed," I said.


I hummed in response.


I hummed again.


"What, Snape?" I finally looked up from my book to see a small smile on his face. He only wanted my attention. "You're worse than Sirius," I groaned.

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