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Five Years

After five long years of staying at Heavens Arena, you had finally become strong.

You were at the 200th floor and had made a name for yourself.

You no longer needed to be protected by other people and be burdens, you could stand up for yourself.

And, throughout the entire five years, Hisoka was watching everything, glad he left you alive the first time you met.

You had faced him a couple of times—although you lost all of them—and the two of you would sometimes randomly talk wth each other whenever you crossed paths and were on quite good terms.

There was also a child who stayed here for a while. 'Killua' he called himself.

If you were to describe him, you would say that he was a strange child.

He was six when he first came here and climbed his way past the one-hundredth floor within three years. That was really impressive (and maybe, sorta, kinda made you feel like you making it to the 120th floor at the time wasn't that much of an achievement if this child could also do it) so of course you wanted to see who exactly this child was.

He never revealed anything other than his first name but you guys did have more than a few conversations with each other and Killua kind of became your son. You became very attached to him—something a certain pink haired magician didn't seem to like very much.

You might even go as far as to call you two friends. Might. You weren't sure.

But then he left. Just as easily as Chrollo did.

One day, after around three years, he said he was done here and was going home.

The next day, he was gone.

He never stayed in contact with you after that but you just hoped that wherever he was, he didn't forget you.

And of course, fighting at the Arena wasn't the only thing you did throughout those five years.

You also had been looking for Chrollo.

Even though you kept telling yourself that you were done with him and you didn't care about him, you would constantly try to find more information about him and try to find out whether he was safe or not.

Which then led you to take some odd jobs in the underworld.

Just to get some information about him.

You had a 100% accuracy record whenever you did jobs, though.

Whether it be to steal something or kill someone, you did them all, without ever faltering.

At first, your morals would get in the way of the jobs (which almost caused you to lose your perfect completion rate), and you would have inner conflicts about what you did.

But after a couple months, they disappeared and you managed to do all the jobs without a second thought.

And every time, more of your humanity would vanish.

You also looked into Zoldyck Illumi, the person who tried to kill you five years ago.

You were still curious as to why he did try to kill you and if it had something to do with Chrollo abandoning you.

Of course, because it was the Zoldyck family, you weren't able to find much information, but you never stopped looking.

There was also something else that caught your attention throughout the five years you were at the arena.

The Hunter Exam.

You were never particularity curious about the Hunter Exams but the more you heard about it, the more you wanted to try it.

It seemed like a great place to test out how strong you had gotten, and you wanted to try it out.

"Hey, Hisoka," you said while walking down one of the many halls.

He stopped a bit, letting you know that he was listening.

"You're not going to see me around that much." His body became rigid for a second but immediately disappeared.

"I'm going to try to take the Hunter exams, so I'm not going to be around."

"Hmm~" was his response before walking away.

I wonder, you thought, have I really improved as much as I think I have, or is it just wishful thinking?

With that thought going through your head, you walking back to your room to stat packing.

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