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Life became... monotonous after the first couple of days. He settled in well at the bar. Louis often had trouble understanding normal every day things but Mimzie was always patient enough to take the time to explain.

He had no more flash backs than the initial few and was starting to think he should just completely give up on his life before the accident. He would probably never get his memories back. It would be easier to just move on.

Cho checked in on him from time to time but eventually he was deemed innocent and she stopped showing up. She had said something about spending her time on more useful things. Cho had criminals to catch and people to save. Louis didn't blame her, he encouraged it even. He himself wasn't doing much of interest so why should she waste her time on him?

It was a normal Tuesday morning when it happened. Mimzie physically pushed him out the door. "Alright. Out! I can't  stand it anymore!" She yelled as she pushed his brand new wallet into his hands. "You need to go out and have some fun. Explore. Find your drive in life! You're not doing anything!" She dusted her hands off when he was standing outside.

"I'm working at the bar?" Louis cocked his head like a confused bird.

"That doesn't count and you know it mister!" Mimzie shut the door on him.

Louis pouted slightly. "Ok. I'll do my best I guess?" He wandered off and looked around. Louis sighed softly, it was a nice summer day and the sun was hitting his face just right. He had to admit, the natural light did indeed make him liven up a little. With his face tilted to the sky he wasn't entirely watching where he was going. This resulted in Louis walking straight into someone's chest. 

"You should be more careful of where you're going." Alastor wrapped an arm around his waist to prevent him from falling. Louis felt his face heat up again. "Ah. Alastor. How nice to see you again." He smiled slightly at the brunette. "I'm sorry. I'll be more careful." He smiled sheepishly and stepped away from the taller man. Looking up at Alastor like this made Louis extremely nervous for some reason. 'It's because you smell sin. He's a predator Lu.'

Louis shook the thought away. "Say. I know you don't want to do mushy stuff with me." He quoted with a grin. "But would you be interested in out for lunch with me? You're one of the only four people I know." Louis nervously shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

Alastor blinked in surprise. "You want to build a friendship with me?" He chuckled softly when Louis nodded enthusiastically.

"Yes. I'd like to get to know you. If you'll permit me." Louis said to him.

Alastor seemed to consider it for a little while. "Well.. Our duet was pretty fun last time. We could do that again." He offered.

Louis smiled. 'Success.' "I'd like that. So ah.. Would you like to join me right now? I earned a little money and I think I want to expand my wardrobe?" 

"Gladly. What you're wearing right now is not working for you." Alastor snickered. 

"Hey." Louis shoved him playfully.


The two of them spent hours just going in and out of shops. They bought a ton of stuff to not only liven up Louis' wardrobe, but his room as well. The voice in Louis' head was relatively quiet the whole time. Only occasionally it reminded him that he was mortal and to be careful. Louis thought about asking Alastor about it. Maybe the voice was normal and it was just his common sense talking to him. When the voice didn't protest he decided to find a good moment to bring it up. 

Louis had almost forgotten about asking Alastor about his internal voice. Their day had been fun, if a little hectic. Alastor was very passionate about good clothes and would fight Karen's for a coat. Louis had smiled fondly when Alastor decked one such Karen in the face. 

"She insulted my fashion pride." Alastor had huffed.

Louis had laughed in response and simply told him to just: "Kick her arse, Al."

Louis smiled softly thinking back on it. They were in a restaurant right now ordering some dinner before Louis had to go help Mimzie at the bar. "What are you smiling about?" Alastor returned from the bathroom and plopped down opposite Louis at their table. 

"Nothing." Louis chuckled. "Just thinking..." He trailed off and side eyed Alastor. Louis tried to gather the courage to ask Alastor his question. ' He's going to think you're weird. ' 'You've ALWAYS been different! We've always been different from our siblings! But you've gone to far!' When Louis returned to reality he spotted Alastor looking at him with concern in his eyes. "I'm sorry. You were saying?" His voice shook. The voice in that... memory? Hadn't been him. He was sure of that. 

"I asked wether or not you were ok?" Alastor asked him. 

"I.." Louis trailed off. "I keep hearing things. They're like. Flashbacks. But it's just sound. This one told me I've always been different from my siblings?"

"Perhaps they are your memories?" Alastor shrugged. "Perhaps if you piece all the flashbacks together you'll figure out who you once were?"

"Maybe." Louis mumbled softly. "However.. The voices tell me other things too. It told me you were a predator? Whatever that's supposed to mean."

Louis missed the way Alastor's spine stiffened. The way his eyes narrowed and his smile tightened. "Your mind tells me I molest kids? I'm offended you think like that Louis."

Louis put his hands up. "No. no. More. A predator as in an animal. The voices tell me you'll hunt me if I'm not careful..." He laughed it off. "Fa.. God. I sound like a crazy person... You must think I'm a crazy person." Louis giggled softly. 

"Well when you phrase it like that, I certainly think it now." Alastor chuckled. "It's ok Louis. I live out in the woods and I hunt deer for sport." He smiled and gently patted the dispairing Louis on the head. "You should come over and eat venison with me sometime."

"Oh.. Th.. Thank you I'd like that." The relief was apparent in Louis' voice. "I probably smelled it on you and my broken brain decided to turn you into a sinner or something. Glad that's not the case." Louis laughed.

Alastor laughed with him. 

'You have no Idea Lu.'

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