The real culprit

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As Baicao turned away to see whom she pushed, she was shocked. It was ting hao standing over there. He looked very sad. Baicao's face was covered that's why he couldn't recognize her.
She immediately ran away from there and hid behind his car. Her heartbeat was very fast. Even ting hao felt something like he is very close to someone very important.

Ting hao- Baicao I told you that if you want to tell anything to anyone just tell these stars they will tell that person. Baicao hope so you can hear what I am telling now? Please come back. I miss you alot. Today when Meng xun said that you are my ex wife. I felt like how can you be my past? When you are my present,future  and everything. They say that I should forget you but how can a person forget his life. Please come back please, I beg you(his eyes were filled with tears)

And he leaves from there, Baicao came over there by her bicycle so she started following him in it. He reached a place and started drinking. After some time he was not in his senses. So Baicao came over there.

Baicao- Let's go
Ting hao- Baicao it's you
Baicao- No I am not
Ting hao- Then I will not go anywhere
Baicao- Come with me

And with her support he stands up and she took him to his car. Suddenly the mask from which she was hiding her face fell down.
After seeing Baicao's face,Ting hao hugged Baicao immediately.

Ting hao- Baicao, I knew you will come to me, now I will not let you go.
Baicao- I will never leave you
Ting hao- Promise?
Baicao- Yes promise
Ting hao-I don't want to marry anyone except you. That Meng xun said that if she will not fall in love with anybody then she will not cancel this wedding.
Baicao- I need to go
Ting hao(hold her hand)- I will not let you go anywhere
Baicao- I am not going anywhere I will always be with you

And both of them remained in the car holding each other hands.

In the morning when Baicao woke up she quietly moved away from there.

After some time Ting hao woke, he was not so sure about what he saw at the night.But he only remembered Baicao's face.

Ting hao(in mind)- I saw Baicao last night, she said something to me but I don't remember what?
Oh god! My head is paining. I think I should first go to home and then I will think about it

After leaving from there, Baicao immediately went to Ruo Bai because he called her and wanted to tell her something important.

Ruo Bai- I know how we can find that kidnapper.
Baicao- How??
Ruo Bai- Give me your phone, we will track that kidnapper...
Baicao- Oh yes we never thought about this.

And they started tracking that kidnapper, and soon reached her. The kidnapper tried alot to run but she was caught.

Baicao(angrily)- Who told you to do this all?
Kidnapper- I will not tell
Baicao(aggressively)- You won't tell, you need to tell
Ruo Bai- Calm down Baicao
Baicao- How can I calm down? My life is destroyed and you say I should calm down. Hey you tell who told you to do this all otherwise I won't leave you.
Kidnapper- Actually Ting hao's grandfather-the great hall master told me to do this
Baicao- What? It can't be possible.
Kidnapper- But this is the truth.
Ruo Bai- You will say this in front of everyone understood.Baicao you go and tell everything in front of ting hao. I will look after this girl, she will reveal everything in front of the Fang family
Baicao- but grandpa did this
Ruo Bai- We will think about it afterwards you go now.

Whirlwind girl 3Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora